
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.03.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 1 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00? Seismic method - basic principles and limitations.? Lectures?
04.04.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Rom U09 (Visjonariet) Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Seismic Interpretation - basic principles and limitations? Lectures?
05.04.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - introduction? Lectures?
05.04.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 3 Geologibygget kl. 13:15-15:00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic data.? Exercises?
11.04.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Rom U09 (Visjonariet) Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - structural and stratigraphic interpretation.? Lectures?
12.04.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - reservoir identification and evaluation.? Lectures?
12.04.2005Prof. Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 3 Geologibygget kl. 13:15-15:00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic.? Exercises?
18.04.2005Prof Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Rom U09 (Visjonariet) Geologibygget kl. 9.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - horizon and formation attributes. Visualization? Lectures?
19.04.2005Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Hydrocarbon traps - structural and stratigraphic. Examples form offshore Norway and UK? Lectures?
19.04.2005Prof Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 3 Geologibygget kl 13.15-15.00? Interpretation of 2D seismic: identification of hydrocarbon traps - examples Norwegian Continental shelf? Exercises?
25.04.2005Prof Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Rom U09 (Visjonariet) Geologibygget kl. 9.00-12:00 ? Presentation and discussion of Case Studies? Starts precisley at 9.00

Each student will be given a case study to be presented during this seminar. Papers (in pdf-format) and figures (PowerPoint file) can be found in Classfronter?

26.04.2005Prof Jan Inge Faleide and Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Presentation and discussion of Case Studies? Continuation of seminar (if necessary)?
26.04.2005Prof Jan Inge Faleide and Dr Michel Heeremans? Auditorium 3 Geologibygget kl 13.15-15.00? Interpretation of 2D seismic northern North Sea Introduction to 3D seismic exercise (incl. GeoFrame)? Exercises?
Published Mar. 3, 2005 11:06 AM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2005 5:19 PM