
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
28.02.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-12.00? GEO4240 Introduction - Seismic Data Introduction . Seismic Interpretation - basic principles and limitations.? Lectures?
07.03.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - introduction.? Lectures?
14.03.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - structural and stratigraphic interpretation.? Lectures?
21.03.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - reservoir identification and evaluation.? Lectures?
28.03.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - horizon and formation attributes. Visualization.? Lectures?
28.03.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Auditorium III, 13.15-16.00? 2D seismic interpretation? Exercises?
11.04.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof. Jan Inge Faleide? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-11.00? 2D seismic interpretation? Exercises?
11.04.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs Hus, 14.15-17.00? 2D seismic interpretation? Exercises?
18.04.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-11.00? 2D seismic interpretation? Exercises?
18.04.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs Hus, 14:15-17:00 ? 2D seismic interpretation? Exercises?
25.04.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide? Kurssalen U37A, 09.15-11.00? 2D seismic interpretation? Exercises?
07.05.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide? Vallhall 219, 12.15-16.00? Presentation of selected papers? Seminar?
09.05.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Visjonariet U07, 09-15-12.00? Introduction 3D seismic interpretation project - Group I? Background information and intro to GeoFrame software?
09.05.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans? Visjonariet U07, 13.15-16.00? Introduction 3D seismic interpretation project - Group II? Background information and intro to GeoFrame software?
10.05.2007Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide ? Vallhall 219, 09.15-12.00 ? Presentation of selected papers ? Seminar ?
Published Jan. 26, 2007 10:26 AM - Last modified Apr. 13, 2007 12:22 PM