Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
21.01.2009 Prof Jan Inge Faleide  Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00  Seismic method - basic principles and limitations.  GEO4240 Course Introduction

Seismic Interpretation - Introduction 

28.01.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans  Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00  Seismic Interpretation - Structural and stratigraphic interpretation  Seismic Interpretation - Structure


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Seismic Interpretation - Stratigraphy


Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8 

04.02.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans  Kurssalen, U37A, .9.15-12.00  3D seismic reflection data - introduction  3D Seismic Interpretation - Introduction 
11.02.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans  Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00  3D seismic reflection data - structural and stratigraphic interpretation  3D Seismic Interpretation - Structure

Exercise 9 - 3D Fault Mapping 

25.02.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans  Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00  3D seismic reflection data - reservoir identification and evaluation  3D Seismic Interpretation - Stratigraphy

3D Seismic Interpretation - Reservoir Identification 

25.02.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans  Kurssalen, U37A, 13.15-16.00  Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic lines   Little Knife - Williston Basin 
04.03.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans  Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00  3D seismic reflection data - horizon and formation attributes; visualization and recent advances in 3D seismic interpretation  3D Seismic Interpretation - Reservoir Identification

3D Seismic Interpretation - Reservoir Evaluation

3D Seismic Interpretation - Attributes 

04.03.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide   Kurssalen, U37A, 13.15-16.00  Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic lines  Exercises 
11.03.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide   Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00  Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic lines   Exercises 
18.03.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide  Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00  Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic lines   Exercises 
25.03.2005 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide   Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00   Identification of hydrocarbon traps and reservoirs on 2D seismic lines  Exercises 
01.04.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide   Visjonariet 09.15-12.00  Introduction to GeoFrame and project work  During these three hours, you will be introduced to the 3D seismic interpretation project. In addition, you will be given an introduction to the GeoFrame software used during your interpretation project 
01.04.2008 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide   Kurssalen, U37A, 13.15 -16.00  Seminar or Exercise   
03.04.2009 Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof Jan Inge Faleide   09.15 -16.00, Auditorium II Geologibygningen   Seminar  Each student will be given a case study to be presented during this seminar. Papers (in pdf-format) and figures (PowerPoint file) will be handed out at the beginning of the course  
11.06.2009 09.00-12.00  WRITTEN  EXAM   
Published Jan. 14, 2009 10:25 AM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2023 9:52 AM