The lectures on Basic Well Log Analyses (part of the course GEO4250), planned for March 21. and 22, are postponed to March 28 and 29 due to illness. I will try to keep the lectures at the same time and place. I will inform you about evt. changes.
The midterm test will be held on Monday 28.02.2011
Old Exams and midterms are now available at the Fronter adress:
GEO4250 - Lectures and practicals 2011-v?r > Undervisning
Note that some of the questions related to specific oil fields in the old exams now are outside your curriculum
PPT's of some of the lectures will also be posted there.
To confirm your participation in the course please be present at the first lecture Monday 31.01.2011 (this also includes those on the waiting list)
Timetable GEO 4250
Course book: Knut Bj?rlykke (2010) Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics, Springer ISBN: 3642023312.
Lecture, Date, Topic, Chapter,
1-4, 3101, Introduction to petroleum geology, 1,
4-6, 0102, Introduction to petroleum geology
6-8, 0102, Heat transport in sedimentary basins, 9
8-12, 0702, Fluid flow in sedimentary basins, 10
12-16, 0802, Introduction to geomechanics : Stress and Strain in sedimentary basins, 11
16-20, 1402, Compaction of sedimentary rocks Including shales, sandstones and carbonates, 13
20-24, 1502, Sandstones and sandstone reservoirs, 4
24-26, 2102, Sandstones and sandstone reservoirs, 4
26-28, 2102, Carbonate reservoirs, 5
28-32, 2202, Carbonate reservoirs, 5
32-36, 2802, Mid term test
36-40, 0103, Shales silica deposits and evaporites, 6
40-44, 0703, Production geology, 20