
Published May 23, 2007 2:22 PM

Permitted materials at the final exam is calculator only.

Published May 18, 2007 3:15 PM

FLASH: part time job - elearning: I need a person to make figures and animations for the e-learning system. You will work with the animation program Flash. If you do not have any experience with this program, a training will be offered (if you have any programming skills it is a plus). Electronic applications sent to

Published May 4, 2007 12:34 PM

IMPORTANT :Due to problems with number of Promax licenses we have to form fewer working groups:GROUP1: Zaheer, Sultan,Ehimen,and Hofstad. GROUP2: Islam,Florine,Tenne and ?rdal.GROUP3: Lombardi,Scholer and Moi. GROUP4: Fl?t, Maast, Hedin,MN Nielsen. GROUP5: Simonsen, Paulsen and Morisbak. GROUP6: Acarel, Mueller, KM Nielsen and Souche.Groups 1-3 work in the morning and Groups 4-6 in the afternoon.

Published May 3, 2007 6:33 PM

Friday May 25th: Questions and summary before exam. From 9.15 am - 3pm in Auditorium II.

Published Apr. 27, 2007 2:05 PM

PROMAX REPORTING: Each group makes a report after the Promax lab has been finished. The report is submitted electronically to, and the deadline is May 18th.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 7:37 PM

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: if you do not find your name among the 10 Promax working groups and you are supposed to take exam in this subject you must notify by email to ASAP.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 7:27 PM

PROMAX GROUPS: Group1: Hedin,Lombardi and Scholer, Group2: Moi,Hofstad and ?rdal, Group3: Zaheer and Sultan, Group4: Ehimen and Islam, Group5: Florine and Tenna, Group6: Fl?t and Maast, Group7: M.Nielsen and Simonsen, Group8: KM Nielsen and Sauche, Group9: Paulsen and Morisbak and Group10: Acarel and Mueller. Groups 1-5 work in the morning and Groups 6-10 in the afternoon.

Published Apr. 20, 2007 3:39 PM

Introduction to Promax processing: ?yvind Marcussen will give an introduction to the Promax processing package Friday May 4th from 10.15-12 (AUD. II). This presentation is mandatory for students following this course.

Published Apr. 16, 2007 4:12 PM

MATLAB exercise support: Nazmul will give support Friday 20th (10.15 am -11 am in Aud.II, regular teaching hours). Next week he will be available for consulting Tuesday 24th from 13.15-14.15 in Aud. I (just after regular class). Please respect these times.

Published Mar. 20, 2007 11:59 AM

Mandatory seismic processing lab week 19 . A total of 10 groups will be formed (2 or 3 students). 5 of the groups will work each day from 9am - 1 pm. The other 5 groups will work each day from 1pm - 5pm.

Published Mar. 19, 2007 7:55 PM

No lectures in week 13 . Students should work with Matlab exercises.

Published Feb. 12, 2007 6:46 PM

MATLAB exercises - some info: Nazmul Mondol will give an introduction to Matlab Monday March 19th 10.15-12. You can work in groups or as individuals. Note however no more than 3 students per group is allowed. A small report should be written covering all 4 labs. Final submission date for this report: May 1st (latest). Only electronic submissions made to : Note that the Matlab exercises are mandatory and if you dont particpicate in this activity you are not qualified for the final exam.

Published Jan. 29, 2007 2:06 PM

ADVANCED SEISMIC PROCESSING: Mandatory reading is chapter 1 (no sublevels!)

Published Jan. 29, 2007 2:04 PM

BASIC SEISMIC PROCESSING: Mandatory reading is complete module

Published Jan. 29, 2007 2:02 PM

SEISMIC ACQUISITION: Mandatory reading is complete module

Published Jan. 29, 2007 2:00 PM

ELASTIC WAVES: Mandatory reading is sections 5.5 and 5.7, and chapters 6 and 7

Published Jan. 16, 2007 1:29 PM

First lecture will be Monday 29th January

Published Jan. 12, 2007 11:23 AM

We have more students than anticipated and need to change rooms. The new rooms will be published on "Time and place".