
Published Apr. 26, 2011 4:06 PM

Promax groups: GROUP 1: Stig Synnes, Mohammad Reza Ghasemi and Jamilur Rahman, GROUP 2: Hanna Braut and Muhammad Saqib Hameed, GROUP 3: Muhammad Aftab Javed and Arif Naushad Butt, GROUP 4: Rabia Talat and Pia Lindstr?m, GROUP 5: Muhammad Waqas Javed and Zeeshan Mohabbat, GROUP 6: Attiq Ur Rehman, Uzma Mahmood and Muhammad Goraya, GROUP 7: Muhammad Jamil and Azeem Hussain, GROUP 8: Zagros Matapour, Al-Amin Mazumder and Steffen Storbakk, GROUP 9: Fardi Golyan , Katrin Petrus and Touraj Fathollahpour , GROUP 10: Jacob Norenberg and Juan Saez Barrero.

Published Apr. 26, 2011 4:01 PM

Plan for Promax lab week 18: Monday 2nd 10.00am-11.30am introduction to Promax in room U37A (MANDATORY for all). Groups 1-5 work every day from 9am - 1pm, and groups 6-10 work every day from 1pm - 5pm (data lab 2nd floor). On site assistance every day from 10am-11am and 1pm-2pm. Each group submit report to with deadline May 15

Published Apr. 26, 2011 11:48 AM

New time for review and question session. Moved from May 27 to May 20 from 12.15pm-5pm in Aud. II.

Published Apr. 14, 2011 6:09 PM

NOTE: error in Matlab Exercise 4. The signal h is found at page 8 (Exercise 4) and NOT at page 7 (exercise 1).

Published Apr. 14, 2011 6:04 PM

Friday May 27 from 9.15am - 2pm: exam preparation (review and questions). Auditorium II.

Published Apr. 13, 2011 2:14 AM

Matlab help material is posted on the forum of the course (where you also picked up exercises as well as course plan).

Published Apr. 7, 2011 7:36 PM

Matlab help and support will be given by Endrias Asgedom on Monday 11 April within regular teaching hours (2.15pm - 4pm).

Published Apr. 6, 2011 11:31 PM

New deadline for Matlab exercises: April 25. Electronic submissions to

Published Feb. 4, 2011 1:59 PM

No lecture Monday February 14

Published Jan. 31, 2011 8:16 PM

Exercises will be reviewed according to this schedule: Exercise set 1,2 and 3 Thursday February 24, Exercise set 4,5,6 Thursday March 17, Exercise set 7,8,9 Thursday April 7, and Exercise set 10,11 Thursday April 28.

Published Jan. 26, 2011 5:32 PM

Mandatory seismic processing lab week 18 (reserve all days)

Published Jan. 19, 2011 12:46 PM

SYLLABUS: Elastic Waves (p. 51 and Chapters 5-7 in textbook), Seismic Acquisition (all chapters in textbook), Basic Seismic Signal Theory and Processing (all chapters in textbook) and Seismic Imaging (all chapters but no sublevels).

Published Jan. 19, 2011 12:43 PM

At the first lecture you will be given information about how to use the e-learning system GeoCLASS. You will also be given a licence code in order to be able to access the system.

After having registered as a user of GeoCLASS goto webpage and log in (using same username and password). Then click on the GeoCLASS button at the top and then choose forum on the list to the left. Course material is placed in a GEO4280 course folder. In this folder you will find course schedule and a set of problems including MATLAB exercises.

Published Jan. 19, 2011 12:33 PM

Textbook Petroleum Geophysics (published by UniGEO) available at Akademika. It covers the syllabus of both GEO4280 and GEO4260.

Published Dec. 21, 2010 11:03 AM

First lecture Monday January 24