Here's the list of presentations that I have so far. Let me know if I forgot anything...
Magnus Ulimoen -- Numerical modeling of turbulence (9:45)
Marcos Fernandez -- Turbulent bottom boundary layers (13:00)
Silje Iversen -- Horizontal convection, is it turbulent? (10:15)
Tim Dunker -- Turbulence in the mesosphere (14:00)
Johanne Mehren -- Turbulence in the tropopause (9:15)
Mate Mile -- Are numerical weather simulations able to reproduce observed kinetic energy spectra? (10:45)
Andreas Alexander -- Turbulence in bedrock and glacier rivers (13:30)
Eivind Kol?s -- Internal wave-driven mixing (12:30)
Also (already presented):
Marit Kolstuen -- Stable atmospheric boundary layers
Elia Kowalski -- Mixing in the ocean interior
Today we went through sec. 8.3, on topography. There's one problem, at the end of sec. 8.3.2. We'll go through that on Wednesday. If you haven't already done it, contact me with a presentation topic and I can suggest papers.
Yesterday we went sections 8.1 and 8.2, on how the beta effect alters 2D turbulence. There is one problem at the end of sec. 8.1. We'll go through that on Wednesday.
Hi All --
We'll be having another Turbulent Week, starting on Monday (6/10) at 9 am. The class will be in Hagen 5 in the 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录spark, all week this time.
Several of you (Elia, Johanne, Eivind) have decided on presentation topics, but a number of you have not. So get in touch as soon as possible so we can work out topics. The first presentation will be already on Monday afternoon, but the rest will happen on Friday.
Today we went through sections 7.4, 7.4 and 7.8.
Now we have a long break until the next week begins, on May 6. Think about which topic you would like to present, on May 10. The topic should be relevant to the course (i.e. turbulent), but also (hopefully) relevant for your own research. Send me an email if you need advice!
Today we went from sec. 6.2 up through 7.3. There are four exercises (gasp), from secs. 6.3, 7, 7.2 and 7.3. See how many you can do, but at least try to do a couple of them. We'll discuss tomorrow.
We got up to sec. 6.2 (Kolmogorov's inertial range) today. We started it, but I'll do it again tomorrow. There are 2 exercises, from sec. 5.1 and 5.2. They're sort of unpleasant.
Today we went through the sections on Fourier transforms and Chaos. There are 2 exercises to do tonight, and we'll go through those tomorrow morning. As usual, those of you who couldn't make it today can hand in the exercises later.
We got through section 2 (statistics) today. So do the exercise at the end of the section -- we'll discuss that tomorrow. Those of you who couldn't make the lecture can hand in a written version. It's pretty straightforward.
Hello! The first lecture will take place from 9-12 in Hagen 5, in the Oslo Science Park (亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken). We'll be streaming the course to Bergen as well. Let me know if you have trouble finding the room.
Attendance at the first lecture is mandatory. This also applies to students at a waiting list. Students who fail to meet, are considered to have withdrawn from the course unless they have given notice of their absence in advance to the Student administration (