Presentation Schedule

9:00-9:25 Trygve Halsne – Surface wave-driven turbulence in the ocean and Nordic Seas

9:25-9:50 Mika Malila – The surface wave-forced ocean boundary layer, with comparison to wall-bounded flows.

9:50-10:15 Manuel Aghito – Lagrangian turbulence

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-10:55 Gaurav Madan – Small scale turbulent mixing and the overturning circulation

10:55-11:20 H?vard Espenes – Submesoscale turbulence

11:20-11:45 Karen Ervik – 3D turbulence in the ocean and Arctic

11:45-12:30 Lunch

12:30-12:55 Magnus Ryseth – Eddy fluxes and the transformed Eulerian mean formulation

12:55-13:20 Marvin K?hnert - Turbulent mixing in NWP models

13:20-13:45 Christiane Duscha – Turbulence in convective systems

13:45-14:00 Break

14:00-14:25 Francesca Salteri – MO Theory and the planetary boundary layer

14:25-14:50 Jan Diezel – Measuring turbulence with LIDAR

14:50-15:15 Zakari Midjiyawa – Turbulence characteristic for bridge design in complex topography

15:15-15:30 Break

15:30-15:55 ?smund Bakketun – Intermittent turbulence and the nocturnal boundary layer

15:55-16:20 Hao Chen – Local turbulence impacts on wind energy production and its prediction



Published Mar. 9, 2021 11:51 AM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2021 3:11 PM