Field excursion - information and registration!

Dear students,

we were informed that you are taken the GEO4990/9990 course this autumn. Warm welcome !
Normally there would be a real excursion included, planned to go to Sweden this year. That is of course very likely not possible as planned, currently travelling abroad is not allowed by UiO. We are hoping for the best, because it has been a great experience earlier, but we prepare to hold it for instance "half digitally" with the other partners from Sweden.
In any case, we really need your registration for that course element, since it will be organised internationally in cooperation with colleagues from Sweden etc., and since we collect additional information, not yet collected from you via the UiO web.
Please register thus latest in the next week, so that we can make a better overall planning for that part of GEO4990/9990 as well, using this link:
thanks in advance
Published Aug. 19, 2020 4:13 PM - Last modified Aug. 19, 2020 4:13 PM