Teaching - time and place

Lectures and practicals

This course will be given intensively. the teaching week will be announced as soon as it has been decided. Attendance in the first lecture is obligatory. Students who fail to show and who have not applied for permission, may be removed from the course.

  • Monday?23 March 09:15 -15:00,?Rom 219?ZEB-bygningen

  • Tuesday?24 March 09:15 -15:00,?Rom 219?ZEB-bygningen

  • Wednesday?25 March 09:15 -15:00,?Rom 219?ZEB-bygningen

  • Thursday?26 March 09:15 -15:00,?Rom 219?ZEB-bygningen

  • Friday?27 March 09:15 -15:00,?Rom 219?ZEB-bygningen

Johan Petter Nystuen

Published Oct. 24, 2008 10:51 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2009 12:02 PM