Some practical information about the …

Some practical information about the field trip to And?ya.

You should bring proper clothes since we will spend some time outdoors. The clothes should be warm, water- and windproof, and a cap could be nice. We'll spend some time indoors as well, so you could bring indoor shoes. (The main teaching and eating areas are in the same building as we live.)

You'll get one towel to use during the stay. If you need more, bring some with you. There is a small gym on the premises which we could use. Remember to bring clean, indoor running shoes if you want to use the treadmill.

Here is a link to the lidar site - ALOMAR - It is advised that you make yourself familiar with ALOMAR before the trip. Chapter 7.6 in the text book presents the basics behind the lidar.

To answer any questions you may have, we'll have a short meeting on Monday 17 at 16.00. We'll meet up outside the reading room.


Published Nov. 7, 2008 5:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2008 4:33 PM