New teachers

Hi everyone in the GEF4510 2014 class,

As you have been informed I fell down from a ladder this summer and broke my knee and ancle on my right leg. Thus I am for the time being not as mobile as I wish to be. Bones take time to heel. Thus until October 12 Dr. Richard Moore will be your teacher. Also the first two weeks, as is customary, you will get a crash course in the FORTRAN programming language by Dr. Anne Claire Fouilloux. You find a text on Fortran 2003 programming with examples in Appendix A of the Lecture notes . The Lecture notes are now ready for downloading (look in the box "Course material"). Also under "Course material" you find a set of Computer problems. Problem set 1 (Truncation error) is a nice little problem to test your new FORTRAN skills. I encourage you all to do this problem, even though it is not one of the four mandatory problems.

See you one of these days ... Lars Petter

Published Aug. 28, 2014 4:30 PM