
Remember to pick a topic for your presentations next week! Each presentation should be about 30 minutes long, covering 3-4 articles. Make the talk pedagogical---i.e. you want to explain the subject to the other students---but you should also discuss some of the latest research on the subject. Contact me if you want advice.

Here is the list, with times:

9:00: Elsa: The vortex view of 2-D turbulence

9:30: Magne: Turbulent transport in the Nordic Seas

10:00: Eivind: Troposphere/stratosphere exchange 

10:30: Birger: Turbulence over topography and in Skagerrak

11:00: Kristofer: The stable atmospheric boundary layer

11:30: Helen: Chaotic mixing in the stratosphere

1:00: Marta T: Turbulent heat fluxes in the atmosphere

1:30: Helle: Turbulent mixing and the oceanic overturning circulation

2:00: Marta S: Turbulence in the ocean mixed layer

Published Mar. 28, 2014 1:18 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2014 8:48 AM