Semesterside for GEG2130 - H?st 2012

Please note that a new version of the lecture plan is published (link: 'CoursePlan') ). The changes only affect the period from week 41 and onwards. Please notice also that the lectures on October 3 and 4 will be by Jon Ove Hagen, and that there is no lectures the following week (week 41). This week is lecture free to provide you with working time for your excursion- and field work reports (deadline November 1).

26. sep. 2012 13:00

The lectures on Thursday 27/9 will be by Ole Humlum, and will describe how to write efficient scientific reports. During the lectures you will have the possibility of asking questions and discuss how to handle different aspects of your own excursion- and field work reports.

25. sep. 2012 22:26

The lectures on Wednesday 26/9 will be given by Bernd Etzelmuller, on the theme 'The concept of cryo-conditioning in landscape evolution'

25. sep. 2012 22:24