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P? denne siden finner du ogs? eksempler p? forskningsprosjekter i BIOS3060 fra tidligere ?r. 

V?rens prosjekter (2025)

Project: Reproductive barriers among fungi in Norway

Previous glacial cycles have redistributed life on earth, especially so in the temperate and arctic regions. Postglacial migration patterns have been examined for numerous plants and animals in Europe, but less is known for microorganisms, including fungi. It is therefore not clear whether fungi have followed the same postglacial migration trajectories as plants and animals. We have inferred the postglacial history of the widespread wood-decay fungus Trichaptum abietinum in Europe. We found evidence for two different populations to have immigrated into Norway, one to western Norway and one to eastern Norway. In Norway these two groups stay genetically distinct, but they can mate in our labs. We ask whether they do not mate in nature due to local adaptation to wet and drier climate, or if the hybrids are performing poorer when competing for resources or living in variable habitats?   

In this project you will test if hybrids are less fit than their parental populations. We already have fungal strains from these two populations, ready to be mated. You will learn how to culture fungi in a clean lab environment and set up lab experiments where we will test the fitness of hybrids in various environments. You will further learn how to evaluate the significance of the results.

This project can take two students, one that investigate growth and wood decay at variable conditions, and one that investigate competitive ability of these populations and their hybrid. You will be part of a large research environment in the Oslo Mycology Group at Evogene, IBV. We are currently 8 master students, 6 PhD students, 3 post docs, 2 researchers and 2 Professor/Associate professors. We arrange weekly journal clubs and meetings that you will be invited to.


Project: Using AI to promote Norwegian forest bird conservation

Norwegian forests are crucial ecosystems for people and for biodiversity. Humans rely upon forests for industry and recreation, and 48% of Norway’s endangered species are also associated with forests. All forests are not created equal, though, and forestry practices can change forest structure. Even where forests persist on the landscape, altered forest structure can result in biodiversity loss. A better understanding of how forest characteristics are associated with biodiversity is necessary to improve forest management practices and improve how humans and biodiversity coexist in Norway’s forests.

Passive acoustic monitoring (i.e., studying biodiversity via sound) is a rapidly developing technique for biodiversity monitoring that is growing in popularity due to its relatively low cost and ease of implementation. Passive acoustic monitoring (‘PAM’) programs produce large quantities of acoustic data, and machine-learning algorithms can greatly expedite the processing of acoustic data to understand more about wildlife communities and behavior on the landscape.

In this project, the student will evaluate the ability of a machine-learning algorithm, BirdNET, to identify a few of Norway’s old-growth forest specialist bird species. Students will have freedom to choose some species of interest (with guidance and support from the supervisor). As part of the project, students will learn techniques for acoustic data analysis, including acoustic data review in Raven Pro software, annotating sound files, processing acoustic data using AI, creating training and testing data for machine-learning algorithms, and evaluating precision and recall of machine learning outputs. Knowledge of Norway’s birds and their songs is helpful, but not required. Enthusiasm about Norway’s birds and biodiversity is a must! We can take 1 or 2 students who may work on data from different study areas.

This work is part of a larger project: Causes and extent of declines of Fennoscandian birds (https://www.mn.uio.no/cees/english/research/projects/fennoscandian-bird-populations/).


Kristin Brunk (kristin.brunk@ibv.uio.no)

Torbj?rn Ergon (t.h.ergon@ibv.uio.no)

Project: Enhancing eDNA-based biodiversity monitoring efforts in the Oslofjord (1/2)


Tackling the accelerating biodiversity crisis in marine ecosystems necessitates cost-effective and scalable monitoring efforts. Traditional monitoring methods such as through fisheries catch data as well as acoustic, dive and camera surveys have successfully been used to map and monitor biodiversity patters to date. However, these methods are often limited due to high costs and labor-intensity, potentially leading to spatially biased and patchy data. Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods, through the taxonomic identification of genetic material shed into the environment by different organisms, have revolutionized aquatic biodiversity monitoring in recent years. Due to decreasing processing and sequencing costs, eDNA metabarcoding is now cost-effective and scalable across large spatial and temporal extents. While eDNA sampling is still limited by the ability of researchers to visit study sites, recent efforts have integrated eDNA methods with citizen science, where large number of volunteers have been able to expand the sampling efforts substantially.

In our group, we have successfully combined citizen science with eDNA metabarcoding, leveraging the help of nearly 200 dedicated citizen scientists so far. This early work has generated novel biodiversity data, demonstrating the capability of non-experts to collect high-quality samples in the study area (see Kvalheim et al., 2024). Through this work, we have also established effective workflows for sampling, eDNA extraction, and sequencing, which ensures consistency and reliability for data collection and processing. Despite the early success, we have identified some potential challenges that hinder our efforts to scale-up the citizen-science sampling. One of the main challenges is finding an optimal way to store the eDNA samples during the logistic chain to effectively minimize DNA degradation during transportation of the samples. Thus, one of the key next steps for us will be to find the optimal storage method which will further improve the reliability of the data collected through the citizen science efforts.

Project description

In this project, the student will contribute to the optimization of our citizen science-eDNA logistic chain through testing the best eDNA filter storage method. The student will take part in designing and carrying out an eDNA storage method experiment, where they will contrast the efficacy of several different storage methods for eDNA filters. In addition to critical thinking, report writing and delivery of scientific poster presentations, the student will develop skills in experimental design and work and eDNA metabarcoding work. The project includes a small field component and molecular laboratory work at UiO.

What we offer

 We offer an inclusive and stimulating research environment where the student is encouraged to join the research group activities and engage with other students and researchers in the group.  We are looking for one student. We are a group of 2 professor, 3 post docs, 3 PhDs, 7 master students. We have weekly meetings that you will be a part of and a monthly social gathering for the whole section that you will be invited to. This project will be an integral part of the SKO-project https://www.mn.uio.no/ibv/english/research/sections/aqua/research-projects/coastal-ecosystems/the-sko-initiative/ .

As an intern you will get training in highly relevant extraction protocols for eDNA, you will get a good background in statistical analyses and practice relevant lab work for verifying results from method development (qPCR).  You will get valuable experience conducting an experiment and summarizing it into a report or a publication.


Project: Enhancing eDNA-based biodiversity monitoring efforts in the Oslofjord (2/2)


Tackling the accelerating biodiversity crisis in marine ecosystems necessitates cost-effective and scalable monitoring efforts. Traditional monitoring methods such as through fisheries catch data as well as acoustic, dive and camera surveys have successfully been used to map and monitor biodiversity patters to date. However, these methods are often limited due to high costs and labor-intensity, potentially leading to spatially biased and patchy data. Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods, through the taxonomic identification of genetic material shed into the environment by different organisms, have revolutionized aquatic biodiversity monitoring in recent years. Due to decreasing processing and sequencing costs, eDNA metabarcoding is now cost-effective and scalable across large spatial and temporal extents. While eDNA sampling is still limited by the ability of researchers to visit study sites, recent efforts have integrated eDNA methods with citizen science, where large number of volunteers have been able to expand the sampling efforts substantially.

In our group, we have successfully combined citizen science with eDNA metabarcoding, leveraging the help of nearly 200 dedicated citizen scientists so far. This early work has generated novel biodiversity data, demonstrating the capability of non-experts to collect high-quality samples in the study area (see Kvalheim et al., 2024). Through this work, we have also established effective workflows for sampling, eDNA extraction, and sequencing, which ensures consistency and reliability for data collection and processing. Despite the early success, we have identified some potential challenges that hinder our efforts to scale-up the citizen-science sampling. One key challenge is finding an optimal DNA extraction method for a range of different sample types i.e. contrasting DNA yields and environmental conditions. Thus, one of the next steps for us will be to test the efficacy of several different extraction protocols for a range of different samples, which will further improve the reliability of the data collected through the citizen science efforts.

Project description

In this project, the student will contribute to the optimization of our citizen science-eDNA extraction protocols. The student will take part in designing and carrying out an experiment, where they will contrast the efficacy of several different extraction methods for eDNA filters. In addition to critical thinking, report writing and delivery of scientific poster presentations, the student will develop skills in experimental design and work including eDNA metabarcoding.

What we offer

We offer an inclusive and stimulating research environment where the student is encouraged to join the research group activities and engage with other students and researchers in the group.  We are looking for one student for this particular project. We are a group of 2 professor, 3 post docs, 3 PhDs, 7 master students. We have weekly meetings that you will be a part of and a monthly social gathering for the whole section that you will be invited to. This project will be an integral part of the SKO-project https://www.mn.uio.no/ibv/english/research/sections/aqua/research-projects/coastal-ecosystems/the-sko-initiative/ .

Main supervisor: Olli Hyv?rinen (o.p.hyvarinen@ibv.uio.no)

Co-supervisor: Alexander Eiler (alexander.eiler@ibv.uio.no)

Project: The changing color of the Oslofjord


The Oslofjord and other fjord systems get darker and darker every year. This is caused by an increased supply of particles and dissolved material to the fjords from land. Changes in the Oslofjord such as a delayed phytoplankton bloom, a shift from visual (fish) to non-visuals (gelatinous plankton) have been named as biological responses. To understand the impact and variability of the observed changes in the fjord system, a citizen (community) science project has been initiated.


In this particular project, citizens around the Oslofjord collect water samples and photo images. You will be responsible to analyze the water characterizing its absorption by spectroscopy. This allows to characterize the colored (or chromophoric) dissolved organic matter (CDOM), the portion of organic matter that absorbs light in the blue to UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum. You will then use simple machine learning methods (random forest and decision trees) to train models combining photo images and your CDOM measurements. The ultimate goal is to use ML models to receive the same type of information from images as from the CDOM measurements.

Learning outcomes

 You will be given the opportunity to be part of a citizen (community) science project. Specifically, you will perform spectroscopy on water samples – CDOM measurements – from around the Oslofjord. You will be trained in data analysis using R and be given an introduction into machine learning. You will work closely with two researchers and within the Aquatic Ecology group which includes PhD and Masters students. You will be invited to take part in group meetings, participate in other fieldwork and citizen science projects ongoing in Oslofjord and become familiar with our research environment.

What we offer

We offer an inclusive and stimulating research environment where the student is encouraged to join the research group activities and engage with other students and researchers in the group.  You will be set into contact with very active ideal organisation working with the preservation, restoring and monitoring of the Oslofjord.  We are looking for one student. We are a group of 2 professor, 3 post docs, 3 PhDs, 7 master students. We have weekly meetings that you will be a part of and a monthly social gathering for the whole section that you will be invited to. This project will be an integral part of the SKO-project https://www.mn.uio.no/ibv/english/research/sections/aqua/research-projects/coastal-ecosystems/the-sko-initiative/ .


Project: Imaging approaches in plankton ecology

We offer research experience opportunities in using high-throughput imaging to explore the environmental drivers of plankton diversity and behavior. The work will shed light on coastal and near-shore dynamics. Students will use cutting-edge automated imaging devices, including underwater microscopes and planktoscopes, in combination with machine learning. The project is for 1 - 2 students.

Students will be involved in planning, sampling, and data analysis. The hands-on experience will equip the students with practical skills while also developing critical thinking. Students will also gain knowledge of plankton biodiversity and marine biology. We offer a supportive learning environment where students will be part of a larger group working on different aspects of pelagic ecology within several large projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council (e.g., POICE and MACROCOP).

Supervisors: Jan Heuschele: j.d.heuschele@ibv.uio.no, Josefin Titelman: josefin.titelman@ibv.uio.no, Margot Nyeggen: m.u.nyeggen@ibv.uio.no.

Tidligere prosjekter (2024)

Project: Sampling, DNA extraction and high-throughput sequencing preparation of solitary bees

Bees comprise an important group of pollinators, and they are declining mainly due to habitat fragmentation and land use change. Approximately 75% of food crop species and 90% of wild flowering plants depend on animal pollination for reproductive success, so a loss of pollinating insects has fundamental implications both for biodiversity and food security. With over 20,000 bee species worldwide (210 in Norway), the bees are distributed unevenly in the landscape. By learning more about how different types of bees are distributed differently in the landscape, we can provide information that management can use in conservation efforts of these crucial creatures. To do this, we can use whole genome sequencing approaches to investigate the bees’ connectivity though geneflow as well as delineate population structure and local adaptation.

In this project, the student will contribute to laboratory work as part of a larger population genomics study of three solitary bee species sampled from a range of sites across North-Western Europe. The student will be trained in the entire sampling treatment process including photo-documentation, labelling, dissection and molecular laboratory procedures. The project includes DNA extraction and quantification methods (spin-column extractions, qubit fluorometry and gel electrophoresis). Following this, libraries intended for whole genome sequencing will be generated from these DNA extracts, giving the student an opportunity to also be trained in library preparation methods. The student will work closely with a PhD candidate who work on project: BEEDIVERSE: Improving wild bee conservation by integrating functional ecology with genome-wide biodiversity estimates.

Also see link: https://www.mn.uio.no/cees/english/research/groups/archaeogenomics/projects/beediverse.html


Project: Reproductive barriers among fungi in Norway

Previous glacial cycles have redistributed life on earth, especially so in the temperate and arctic regions. Postglacial migration patterns have been examined for numerous plants and animals in Europe, but less is known for microorganisms, including fungi. It is therefore not clear whether fungi have followed the same postglacial migration trajectories as plants and animals. We have inferred the postglacial history of the widespread wood-decay fungus Trichaptum abietinum in Europe. We found evidence for two different populations to have immigrated into Norway, one to western Norway and one to eastern Norway. In Norway these two groups stay genetically distinct, but they can mate in our labs. We ask whether they do not mate in nature due to local adaptation to wet and drier climate, or if the hybrids are performing poorer when competing for resources or living in variable habitats?   

In this project you will test if hybrids are less fit than their parental populations. We already have fungal strains from these two populations, ready to be mated. You will learn how to culture fungi in a clean lab environment and set up lab experiments where we will test the fitness of hybrids in various environments. You will further learn how to evaluate the significance of the results.

This project can take two students, one that investigate growth and wood decay at variable conditions, and one that investigate competitive ability of these populations and their hybrid. You will be part of a large research environment in the Oslo Mycology Group at Evogene, IBV. We are currently 8 master students, 6 PhD students, 3 post docs, 2 researchers and 2 Professor/Associate professors. We arrange weekly journal clubs and meetings that you will be invited to.


Project: Quantifying urban-rural variation in boldness in common bird species

Human activity has shaped the evolution and ecology of countless species. One of the starkest examples of this is behaviour, specifically responses to human presence. Birds are an excellent model for studying adaptation to human environments because of their visibility, strong associations with human activity and well-studied behaviour.

Do birds that live in close proximity to humans become acclimatised and habituated to their presence? Are some species more tolerant of a human presence than others? Perhaps there is individual variation in boldness and risk-taking behaviour that might lead to success in human-shaped environments? This project will seek to quantify differences in bird behaviour across urban-rural gradients in Oslo in response to human interaction.

You will be given the opportunity to perform fieldwork and behavioural assays on birds. Specifically, you will perform tests of flight initiation distance – i.e. measuring when a bird flies away upon human approach – across Oslo. You will be trained in data analysis using R and be given an introduction in identify within and between species variation in behaviour. You will work closely with a postdoctoral researcher and within the wider Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics group which includes PhD and Masters students. You will be invited to take part in group meetings, participate in other fieldwork ongoing in Oslo and become familiar with our research environment.


  • George Pacheco (george.pacheco@ibv.uio.no)
  • Mark Ravinet (mark.ravinet@ibv.uio.no)

Project: How to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) image recognition to automatically identify specific fish species in medieval fish-market paintings?


The abundance of historical paintings from the medieval period provides a captivating visual tapestry of bygone eras, depicting not only the societal and cultural norms of the time but also offering glimpses into the past natural world. Such paintings often feature meticulously detailed landscapes, flora, and fauna, that serve as a visual record that may be analyzed for historical ecological data. Specifically, medieval oil paintings depicting bustling market scenes often feature a wide array of fish species. Moreover, the often-meticulous attention to detail in these artworks allows for the identification of specific marine species, effectively providing anecdotal documentation of historical fish biodiversity. Yet in order to obtain a thorough spatiotemporal understanding of such past biodiversity, one would need to analyze hundreds to thousands of historical paintings, which requires a prohibitive amount of time. Such large-scale analyses would be greatly aided if these could be performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) recognition software. Nonetheless, it is currently unclear if Artificial Intelligence (AI) recognition software can handle different painting styles to confidently identify different species of fish.

This project aims to investigate the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) image recognition to automate the identification of specific fish species in historical paintings. There are a number of open questions. For instance, what is the best training set? Can we use modern, species-specific images, or should we use (parts of) historical paintings where we first manually identify a few species? Can some species be easier recognized than others? Can we improve image recognition by asking AI to modify training set images to fit a specific historical painting style? Are some image recognition software packages better or perhaps easier to work with? The aim of the project is to come with recommendations of a “best practices work flow” for creating a training set of publicly available images of specific marine fish species and to assess the potential for the automated identification of specific marine species in number of publicly available historical paintings using AI.

This is an innovative project that may provide a number of future multi-disciplinary research directions. We currently have limited hands-on experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI) image recognition and this project therefore requires an independent student with an interest in learning and applying novel AI image tools to diverse biological problems.


Project: Disentangling the toxicity of venom as a complex trait

Venoms are complex cocktails of bioactive compounds that are injected into other organisms to evoke a drastic physiological response, usually for predation or defensive purposes. They are among the most successful traits in evolutionary history and have evolved independently on over a hundred occasions throughout the animal kingdom. Venoms are typically composed of proteins and peptides, referred collectively as toxins, that each contribute to the toxic phenotype of the whole venom by targeting specific receptors and pathways in the victim. In this sense, venoms are complex traits whose overall phenotype can be deconstructed and studied by isolating and characterizing individual components. Although analyzing the toxicity of individual toxins is the typical approach from a pharmacological perspective, it is the toxicity of the overall venom phenotype that is subject to natural selection.

In this research internship, the student will contribute to the study of the evolution of venom as complex trait in the context of the Lacewing Venom project. Specifically, we will screen the toxicity of crude venom extracts from the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) against Drosophila melanogaster in a quantitative genetic framework. This will produce unprecedented insights into the evolvability (potential for adaptive evolution) of animal venoms as complex characters. Although this study will be based in already collected venom samples, the student will be given the opportunity to learn venom extraction methods in the laboratory. The student will also learn to maintain and handle laboratory populations of model animals (C. carnea and D. melanogaster), perform toxicity assays, and conduct complex statistical analyses. There is also room, depending on the student interests, to learn biochemistry (e.g., HPLC), ‘omics’ (proteomics, transcriptomics), and bioinformatic techniques typically used in venom research (venomics).

About the Venomics group: the student will be part of a diverse and stimulating group of professionals with different backgrounds and a common interest: animal venoms. The Venomics group is led by Dr. Eivind Undheim and is currently composed by two postdocs, three PhDs, one principal engineer, and one visiting Erasmus student. The student will work closely with a postdoc, but interaction with other group members will be highly encouraged. Finally, the student will be invited to regular lab meetings, journal clubs and social activities.


  • Gustavo A. Agudelo-Cantero (g.a.agudelo-cantero@ibv.uio.no)
  • Eivind Andreas Baste Undheim (e.a.b.undheim@ibv.uio.no)


Project: Evolution of anoxia tolerance: comparing goldfish and crucian carp metabolism during anoxia survival

For most animals, absence of oxygen (anoxia) rapidly causes energy failure and death. Contrary to most animals, the crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and closely related goldfish (carassius auratus) have the ability to survive without oxygen in response to overwintering in oxygen-depleted frozen freshwater habitats. Yet, the domesticated goldfish is clearly less anoxia-tolerant than the wild crucian carp. During the long domestication history (at least 1000 years) the selection pressure from environmental anoxia will have been relaxed in goldfish and the tolerance may have been partially lost, offering an ideal comparative system. We are currently annotating the crucian carp genome and comparing it to the genome of goldfish to identify genes/mechanisms/pathways selected for anoxia tolerance, and potentially lost or inactive in goldfish.

What you will do: For this project, to get more physiological insights, you will contribute to laboratory work by measuring levels of stress and metabolic products (e.g., lactate, glycerol, ethanol and succinate) in blood (plasma) taken from both crucian carp and goldfish after 1 and 2-day exposure to anoxia. This means using commercial plate assay kits and a microplate reader as well as writing SOPs.

What you will learn: You will join group meetings and learn about the diverse, yet complementary, ongoing projects in our group, get first-hand experience with carrying out a research assignment from samples preparation to data analyses and presentation. A postdoctoral researcher, Elie Farhat, and PhD student in our group, Laura Valencia, will assist and train you to perform the different laboratory tasks and get familiar with the laboratory setting and the general research environment we work in.

What you will be part of: You will join an international and stimulating research environment with 1 researcher, 1 postdoctoral researcher, 2 PhD students and 1 master student in the “Adaptation Group” led by Sjannie Lefevre and G?ran Nilsson. The project is part of a bigger project on ‘Epigenetics mechanisms and genes expression during anoxia’.

Are you interested? Contact Elie (elie.farhat@ibv.uio.no) or Laura (l.m.v.pesqueira@ibv.uio.no)  and ask for a meeting.

Project: Transcriptomics responses to anoxia in the heart of crucian

Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) overwinter in ice-covered lakes and can survive anoxia for several months, depending on the temperature. The physiological adaptations allowing this survival are well understood at the whole-organism level, but we know less about the molecular machinery coordinating the various adaptation elements to anoxia and re-oxygenation. Gene expression can be activated, altered, or repressed in response to external stressors. Previous experiments analyzing whole-brain transcriptome (RNAseq) data have shown that a considerable proportion of the transcriptome is regulated differentially in response to anoxia, and we hypothesize that to be true for the heart as well. We will perform a bioinformatic analysis to identify which genes are differentially expressed in the heart.

What you will do: The project will involve the bioinformatical analysis of raw sequencing data, from quality trimming through mapping to the genome and counting expression to statistical identification of differentially expressed genes. The project requires some basic experience working on the command-line (Unix, R, python, or others).

What you will learn: You will join group meetings and learn about the diverse yet complementary ongoing projects in our group and get first-hand experience in the analysis of RNAseq data (transcriptomics). Two PhD students in our group, Magdalena Winklhofer and Laura Valencia, will assist and train you to perform the different analytical tasks.

What you will be part of: You will join an international and stimulating research environment with 2 postdoctoral researchers, 2 PhD students, and 1 master student in the “Adaptation Group” led by Sjannie Lefevre and G?ran Nilsson. The project is part of a bigger project on ‘Epigenetics mechanisms and genes expression during anoxia’.

Are you interested? Contact Magdalena (magdalena.winklhofer@ibv.uio.no) or Laura (l.m.v.pesqueira@ibv.uio.no) for a meeting

Tidligere prosjekter (2023)

Project: Birds of Nygrotta

Bird species are incredibly good environmental indicators, due to their sensitivity to change and their high mobility. We have recently excavated a unique, large diversity of bird bones from Nygrotta cave in Northern Norway. This cave contains bones and sediments going all the way back to the last glaciation (~10-12 000 years). A more detailed assessment of the Nygrotta birds will help to inform us on past ecosystems in the area and the species which formed the local avian community, for a period we currently have little knowledge of.

As part of this project, you will learn basic zooarchaeological identification of Northern European bird species and how to perform detailed recording and analysis of bone remains. We will identify bird bones recovered from the most recent excavations at Nygrotta cave, which was excavated as part of the EvoCave project (https://tinyurl.com/EvoCave). Most of the specimens date to the early Holocene (~8000 years ago), a period defined by general warming. The bird species identified will be compared to modern-day bird distributions and help to inform us about past avifaunal distributions in Norway. Furthermore, you will take anatomical measurements of bone elements to look at size changes in species over time.

This project is integrated into the larger interdisciplinary EvoCave team which has specialists in evolutionary biology, palaeozoology, geology, sedimentology, geochronology, archaeology, aDNA, and genomics. Moreover, you will be part of the Archaeogenomics group with more than ten masters, PhDs, and postdocs who form a collaborative and stimulating research environment. You will be invited to take part in regular group meetings, learn about a diversity of ongoing projects, and become familiar with the general research environment in which we work.


  • Sam Walker (s.j.walker@ibv.uio.no)
  • Sanne Boessenkool (sanne.boessenkool@ibv.uio.no)

Project: DNA extraction and analyses of bumblebees

Bumblebees are keystone pollinators: they pollinate a diverse array of both wild and agricultural plant species, many of which are pollinated exclusively or predominantly by bumblebees throughout their wide-ranging distribution across various temperate habitats. Widespread losses in bumblebee abundance and diversity therefore have severe implications for ecosystem function and food security. The causes of these declines are thought to be the result of a combination of anthropogenic stressors such as habitat loss and fragmentation, parasites introduced by humans, climate change and agrochemical exposure. However, the exact mechanisms driving bumblebee declines remain poorly understood. Whole genome sequencing approaches can provide valuable insights into a range of biological characteristics relevant to conservation biology, addressing questions involving genetic diversity, gene flow and local adaptation. As yet, these tools have not been widely applied to bumblebees.

In this project, you will contribute to laboratory work as part of a population genomics study of three bumblebee species sampled from a range of sites spread across North-Western Europe. You will be trained in DNA extraction methods and quantification of such extracts of modern-day bumblebees, with the possibility of also assisting with extractions of historical bumblebee specimens obtained from museum collections. Following this, libraries intended for whole genome sequencing will be generated from these DNA extracts, giving you an opportunity to also be trained in library preparation methods. You will work closely with a PhD candidate, and be part of the Archaeogenomics group with more than ten masters, PhDs and postdocs. The student will be invited to take part in regular group meetings, learn about other ongoing projects and become familiar with the general research environment we work in.


  • Lauren Cobb (l.l.cobb@ibv.uio.no)
  • Bastiaan Star (bastiaan.star@ibv.uio.no)


Project: The key to living without oxygen? Investigating succinate transport in the crucian carp

In animals, the most efficient way of producing energy (ATP) is through aerobic (oxygen demanding) metabolism in the mitochondria. In absence of oxygen (anoxia) this option is not available. For most animals, this rapidly causes energy failure and death. Even if they survived the initial anoxic period, reintroduction of oxygen leads to release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which will soon cause oxidative damage to cells and eventually cell death. Succinate builds up during anoxia and is a major source of ROS at re-oxygenation due to the mitochondrial complex II enzyme (succinate dehydrogenase), going in reverse. Contrary to most animals, the crucian carp (Carassius carassius) has evolved unique mechanisms to survive months without oxygen by inhabiting lakes receiving limited oxygen supply during winter due to the thick ice layer. We have preliminary data indicating little oxidative damage after anoxia and re-oxygenation in several tissues of the anoxia tolerant crucian carp (e.g., liver, heart, brain, and gills), and that their mitochondria produce less ROS than anoxia intolerant species like the mouse, Mus musculus. Still, our recent metabolomics studies show accumulation of succinate in all tissues. Intriguingly succinate is accumulating to a larger extent in the crucian carp plasma (blood) and the liver compared to the brain and heart. We hypothesise that crucian carp circumvents the succinate-driven ROS production, by shuttling the succinate away from sensitive tissues, either into the water, or that it is metabolized in the liver, an organ where high constitutive activity of enzymes involved in the protection of cells from oxidative damage by ROS was observed.

What you will do: In this project, you will contribute to laboratory work by measuring succinate level in the tissues and water samples taken from crucian carp during anoxia-reoxygenation exposure using a colorimetric assay (Succinate Assay Kit from Promega) and microplate reader.

What you will learn: You will join group meetings and learn about the diverse, yet complementary, ongoing projects in our group, get first-hand experience with carrying out a research assignment from samples preparation to data analyses and presentation. A postdoctoral researcher in our group, Lucie Gerber (main supervisor) will assist and train you to perform the different laboratory tasks and get familiar with the laboratory setting and the general research environment we work in.

What you will be part of: You will join an international and stimulating research environment with 2 postdoctoral researchers and 2 PhD students in the “Adaptation Group” led by Sjannie Lefevre and G?ran Nilsson. Moreover, the project is part of the UiO:Life Science convergence environment “Availability and function of donor organs: Debating the dead donor rule (3DR)”, a larger interdisciplinary and collaborative project involving more than 10 researchers and students from the Faculty of Medicine, Theology, and Oslo University Hospital, giving you the opportunity to interact with researchers with different research speciality and look at scientific research and collaboration through a larger lens.

Are you interested? Contact Lucie (lucie.gerber@ibv.uio.no) and ask for a meeting.

Project: Can air pollution reduce clover root growth?

Clovers have been found to be vulnerable to ground level ozone (O3) air pollution. The gas reacts with compounds inside the leaves, but still the root growth can be affected. It has been shown for several plant species that root growth is reduced due to this air pollution. It has also been shown in an experiment with lentil (another plant of the same ozone susceptible family, Fabacea) that the response can be detected within days. In addition, we have been interested in finding out whether plants get more vulnerable due to long photoperiods, as we see in Northern areas during summer. In the extreme, the photoperiod is 24 hours during summer north of the polar circle, – midnight sun. One hypothesis says that the stress due to ozone can be ameliorated during darkness at night, but this is not possible in midnight sun areas. Does this mean that our Northern vegetation is more vulnerable to ozone than vegetation at lower latitudes?

In two experiments, white clover (Trifolium subterraneum) from Northern Norway have been subjected to ozone pollution during day for a period, and the root system of each plant has been photographed repeatedly in rhizotrons. A portion of the root system was visible behind a transparent wall, allowing for quantification of the root growth rate. The student will be involved in the extraction of data from the images and analysis of growth rates in periods before, during and after ozone treatment. Half the plants are control plants, without ozone exposure. In addition, half the plants had long and the other half a short photoperiod.

Some of the questions we want to answer are: Does root growth in white clover respond to ozone exposure of the leaves? How fast can the response be detected? Is root growth equally fast during day and night? Are plants subjected to ‘midnight sun’ differently affected by ozone than plants with dark nights (and thus shorter photoperiods)?

The project will be part of the EMERALD project (https://www.mn.uio.no/geo/forskning/prosjekter/emerald/ ), but also related to DURIN (https://betweenthefjords.w.uib.no/durin/ ) and EcoForest (https://www.mn.uio.no/ibv/english/research/sections/evogene/groups/mycology/master-projects/ecoforest2.html ).


Ane Vollsnes (a.v.vollsnes@ibv.uio.no)

H?vard Kauserud (havard.kauserud@ibv.uio.no)

Project: Reproductive barriers among fungi in Norway

Student project in the Oslo Mycology Group, Evogene.

Project: Previous glacial cycles have redistributed life on earth, especially so in the temperate and arctic regions. Postglacial migration patterns have been examined for numerous plants and animals in Europe, but less is known for microorganisms, including fungi. It is therefore not clear whether fungi have followed the same postglacial migration trajectories as plants and animals. We have inferred the postglacial history of the widespread wood-decay fungus Trichaptum abietinumin Europe. We found evidence for two different populations to have immigrated into Norway, one to western Norway and one to eastern Norway. In Norway these two groups stay genetically distinct, thus they may not mate with each other. We wonder whether they do not mate due to local adaptation to wet and drier climate which will retain different distributions or whether they cannot mate if they actually meet.  

What you will learn: In this project you will mate fungal strains in the lab. We already have fungal strains from these two populations, ready to be mated. You will learn how to culture fungi in a clean lab environment, set up lab experiments where we mate fungal strains and evaluate the results in the microscope. You will further learn how to evaluate the significance of the results.

What you will be part of: You will be part of a large research environment in the Oslo Mycology Group at Evogene, IBV. We are currently 5 master students, 6 PhD students, 2 post docs, 2 researchers and 2 Professor/Associate professors. We arrange weekly journal clubs and meetings that you will be invited to.


Inger Skrede (inger.skrede@ibv.uio.no)


Publisert 10. jan. 2025 12:42 - Sist endret 10. jan. 2025 13:37