BIO1100 – Biodiversity 1
Course content
The course was taught for the last time spring 2005. It can be replaced by BIO1200A or BIO1200.
The course will give a survey of botany and zoology with emphasis on algae, plants and marine invertebrates. The classification, biology, distribution and ecology of such organisms are central topics. The most important Norwegian lowland ecosystems will be presented in connection to the field course.
Learning outcome
The students will get knowledge of important species and groups in the Norwegian nature, their evolutionary connection and adaptations to the environment. They will also be trained to identify species with relevant floras/faunas.
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
In addition to fulfilling the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway, you must either have 2MX/2MY/3MZ and 3MX/3FY/3KJ/3BI/(2KJ+3BT)/(2BI+3BT) from Norwegian upper secondary school, or have completed equivalent studies in mathematics as well as physics, or chemistry, or biology at upper secondary school or university level at another educational institution. Read more about fulfilling special requirements.
Recommended previous knowledge
This course will only be given in Norwegian. Teaching will be given as lectures (2 hours per week), laboratory exercises (4 hours per week), group work/seminars and field course (10 days with the field station at Dr?bak in the Oslofjord as base). Active student participation is required, and hand in of laboratory reports and given exercises is obligatory. The field course costs NKR. 1350. Payment made in advance.
Written exams: 16.02; 20.04; 01.06. (Each 1,5 hour). Practical exam 14.06 or 23.06 (3 hours), depending on which field course group the student participate in. No aids are allowed at the exam, except the "flora" at the practical exam. Each of the exams counts ca. 25% of the total evaluation.
Letter grading (A-F).
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The students have to pay a fee to participate in the obligatory field course.