BIO4010 - Life history
Essay (Home exam) 1
Define and explain (using at least one example) what is
meant by the term genotype – environment interaction. Discuss why such
genotype – environment interactions are important for understanding life-history
Organization of the essay:
The essay should be written using a font type like times or
times new roman, font size 12. As for most essays the format is free, but it
should not exceed 4 pages (excluding the front page, stating only the course
code, your name and the title of the essay).
How to submit:
The essay should be submitted via Classfronter. Go to,
and open the Folder ?Essay 1?.
There you will find your name, and be able to submit your essay by
clicking on ?Lever din besvarelse – last opp fil?. The Folder is open
until 2005-10-06 at 10.00. If you have problems with submitting via
Classfronter, please send me an e-mail message ( with the
essay as an attachment (but only in an emergency)