BIO4330 – Effects of Pollution on the Aquatic Environment
Course description
Course content
BIO4331 has taken over for this course
How pollution affects life in aquatic environments: eutrophication, oil pollution, acid-rain, and acidification effects, radioactivity, effects on trophic webs, problems with measurement and interpretation of effects, monitoring methods, Environmental Impact Assessment, feedback monitoring.
Learning outcome
On completion of the course students will have an overview of the main environmental problems, have learnt critically to interpret environmental data, and to understand the methodological problems with monitoring and evaluation from the perspective of environmental authorities and industry.
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
PhD-students must register for BIO9330. Please contact the student administration office.
Overlapping courses
10 credits overlap with BIO4331 – Human Impact on the Marine Environment (continued)
Some formal lectures, group work with presentations using Powerpoint, web-based teaching using Class Fronter, reading of a pensum book and other course material.
Evaluation of group presentations and written reports. Each count 50%.
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.
The course is subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students to participate in a more comprehensive evaluation.
The course is offered if the number of students registered ar more than 3.