Bio4371 Fish ecology
Place: Room 4424 - Tuesday 14.15 - 16.00
Date Theme Who
30-jan-07 Introduction V?llestad
  Biogeography and diversity V?llestad
6-feb-07 Feeding V?llestad
  Bioenergetics V?llestad
13-feb-07 Age and growth V?llestad
  Age and growth V?llestad
20-feb-07 Reproduction V?llestad
  Reproduction V?llestad
27-feb-07 Migration V?llestad
  Migration V?llestad
6-mar-07 stock / populations V?llestad
  stock / populations V?llestad
  topic for essay  
13-mar-07 Competition V?llestad
  Predation V?llestad
20-mar-07 Population dynamics V?llestad
  Population dynamics V?llestad
27-mar-07 Cod Olsen
  Cod Olsen
10-apr-07 Eel Edeline
  Eel Edeline
17-apr-07 Salmonids V?llestad
  Salmonids V?llestad
24-apr-07 Preparations for field course in Dr?bak V?llestad
week 19 Dr?bak Details later
7-10 mai  
22-mai-07 Final report submitted