Bio4371 Fish ecology 2008
Place: Room 4424
Tuesday 14.15 - 16.00
Date Theme Who
29. Januar Introduction V?llestad
  Feeding V?llestad
5. Februar ingen forelesning  
12. Februar Bioenergetics V?llestad
  Bioenergetics V?llestad
19. Februar Age and growth V?llestad
  Age and growth V?llestad
26. Februar Reproduction V?llestad
  Reproduction V?llestad
4. Mars Migration V?llestad
  Migration V?llestad
11. Mars stock / populations V?llestad
stock / populations V?llestad
  topic for essay  
25. Mars Case study: Cod Olsen
  Case study: Cod Olsen
1. April Competition V?llestad
  Predation V?llestad
8. April Population dynamics V?llestad
  Population dynamics V?llestad
15. April Case study: Salmonids V?llestad
  Case study: Salmonids V?llestad
Week 17 Field course in Dr?bak V?llestad
Week 20 Final report submitted