MBV4330 – Experimental animal studies
Course description
Course content
A new course platform has been established that complies with the requirements for training to plan and conduct experimental animal studies in accordance with EU directives and Norwegian regulations . MBV4330 will not be offered in 2019.
Please contact the department for questions
The course consists of a theoretical and a practical part that together will meet knowledge requirements in order to conduct animal experiments. The practical part will provide practical training and training relevant to the species you will work with.
The theoretical part of the course provides training in mice, rat and fish, as well as field trials
Learning outcome
The course consists of a theoretical and a practical part that shall together meet the educational requirements to plan and conduct experimental animal studies. The practical part shall provide relevant practical training that is relevant for the species the students will be working with. The theoretical part of the course will focus on mice, rats, fish and work with birds in field studies.
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
PhD students must apply for the course MBV9330 - Experimental animal studies
The courses MBV4330 and MBV9330 have common admission. Applicants are ranked by the following criteria:
1. PhD students and master students at the MN faculty who have the course as part of the approved curriculum.
2. Other PhD students and visiting PhD students.
3. Students with admission to single courses on master’s level and exchange students
4. Applicants are ranked by credits in each group; all applicants within 1st rank before applicants in 2nd etc. If admission is limited to a fixed number of participants, admission will be decided by drawing lots for students who are ranked equally
If you have applied as a single course student, please contact studieinfo@ibv.uio.no before the deadline.
Overlapping courses
- 5 credits overlap with MBV9330 – Fors?ksdyrl?re (discontinued)
- 5 credits overlap with MF9493 – CAREIN - Course In Animal Research In Norway (continued)
Mandatory lectures.
The theoretical part of the course is held in one intensive week.
To have the course validated and be awarded 5 study points, students must pass the examination in the theoretical part, and carry out a minimum of 25 hours practical experimental work with animals, under the guidance of an expert. The work must be certified.
Practical training at an approved animal facility must be arranged by the individual student.
25 hours of practical training:
After the theoretical training, the participant has to attend at least 25 hours practical training in the use of experimental animals. Practical training must be documented by the supervisor that has provided the training before it is approved, and before course certificate and study points will be given.
Home exam with deadline January 31st
Examination support material
All examination support material is allowed
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.
The credits are registered after the certified work are accepted.