A few instructions for the next session + meeting link

Dear all

We realize that the instructions for the next session at DIGHEL4350 where perhaps a bit too open (and thanks to those who asked), so here is a little bit more information. 

For the next session we ask you explore the resources available at https://www.osmosis.org/learn/Introduction_to_disease. To do this, please create a free profile, watch the introduction video, and then try to familiarize yourself with the underlying resources. The purpose of this is mainly to get some experience with digesting information about diseases which is aimed for a very different target audience than ourselves - namely people going through a health education. We are therefore very curious to discuss your experiences and what you find challenging with digesting this. 

Furthermore we plan to discuss the following questions during the session on Wednesday:

  • Why is it necessary for us as informatics students to learn about diseases as part of our preparation to become practitioners working within the digital transformation of the healthcare space?
  • What do we need to know to become valued digital transformation partners working in interdisciplinary teams to support and innovate healthcare services?

Also, please remember to use Perplexity. In our experience, this tool is very helpful in preparing for this topic :). 

Finally, here is the meeting link for the session on Wednesday: 

Deltag i m?det nu

M?de-id: 336 923 598 25

Adgangskode: sksB2p


Kind regards, 
Sune and Troels

Publisert 2. sep. 2024 11:14 - Sist endret 2. sep. 2024 11:14