Pensum for in1060 v?ren 2025


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Tone Bratteteig (2021). Design for, med og av brukere. ? inkludere brukere i design av informasjons-systemer. Universitetsforlaget.



om bruk til 4/2Margot Brereton (2013). Habituated Objects. Everyday Tangibles That Foster the Independent Living of an Elderly Woman. Interactions, juli/august 2013: 20-24.

om design til 11/2Donald A. Scho?n (1992). Designing as reflective conversation with the materials of a design situation. Knowledge-Based Systems 5 (1): 3-14.

    ogs? tilgjengelighet her

om interaksjon til 18/2Eva Hornecker og Jacob Buur (2006). Getting a Grip on Tangible Interaction: A Framework on Physical Space and Social Interaction. CHI’06: 437-446.

om design med brukere til 4/2Tone Bratteteig og Ina Wagner (2014). Design decisions and the sharing of power in PD. PDC’14, 29-32.

Harald Maartmann-Moe, Heidi Br?then, Suhas Joshi og Tone Bratteteig (2022). Design Decision Competence: Supporting user participation in design decisions. PDC 2022, vol. 2: 196-202.

om prototyping (med brukere) til 4/2Stephanie Houde og Charles Hill (1997). What Do Prototypes Prototype? Helander et al. (eds.) Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam: 367-381.

Heidi Bra?then, Harald Maartmann-Moe & Trenton Schulz. 2019. The Role of Physical Prototyping in Participatory Design with Older Adults. ACHI, IARIA: 141- 146.

om 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 i prosjekt til 4/2: Jasmin Niess & Pawel Wozniak (2020). No Hidden Catch, No Strings Attached: Twelve Steps to Cross-Disciplinary Conversations about Technology. CHI’20 ALT11: 1-11.


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Virginia Braun & Victoria Clarke (2006) Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2): 77-101,

Tone Bratteteig og Guri Verne (2016). Old Habits as a Resource for Design: On Learning and Un-learning Bodily Knowledge. Int. J of Advances in Intelligent Systems 9 (3-4): 496-506. /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN1060/v21/pensumliste/bratteteig-verne_2016.pdf

Tone Bratteteig og Ina Wagner (2016). What is a participatory design result? PDC’16: 141-150.

Heidi Br?then og Jo Herstad (2023). Understanding the Pushbutton Revisited: From on and off to Input and Output. HCII 2023: 209-215.

Kees Dorst og Nigel Cross (2001). Creativity in the design process: co-evolution of problem-solution. Design Studies 22, 5: 425-437.  

Paul Dourish (2001). Seeking a Foundation for Context-Aware Computing. I Human–Computer Interaction 16 (2-4): 229-241. 07

Paul Dourish (2004). What we talk about when we talk about context. I Personal & Ubiquitous Computing 8 (19): 19-30. DOI 10.1007/s00779-003-0253-8

Paul Dourish (2006). Re-space-ing place. I CSCW'06. DOI: 10.1145/1180875.1180921 

Bill Gaver, Tony Dunne og Elena Pacenti (1999). Cultural Probes. Interactions januar/februar 1999: 21-29.

Steve Harrison & Paul Dourish (1996). Re-Place-ing Space: The Roles of Place and Space in Collaborative Systems. I CSCW'96. DOI: 10.1145/1180875.1180921 

Lars Erik Holmquist (2017). Intelligence on Tap: Artificial Intelligence as a New Design Material. Interactions, juli/august 2017: 28-33.

Kasper Hornb?k & Antti Oulasvirta (2017). What Is Interaction? CHI 2017: 5040-5052.

Lars-Erik Janlert (2014) The Ubiquitous Button. interactions May-June 2014: 26-33.

Wendy Ju og Larry Leifer (2008) The Design of Implicit Interactions: Making Interactive Systems Less Obnoxious. Design Issues 24 (3): 72-84. HER

Marianna Obrist et al. (2016) Sensing the Future of HCI: Touch, Taste, and Smell User Interfaces. interactions September-October 2016: 40-44. DOI: 10.1145/2973568

Marianna Obrist et al. (2016) Touch, Taste, & Smell User Interfaces: The Future of Multisensory HCI. CHI 2016 Chi4good: 3285-3292. DOI: 10.1145/2851581.2856462

Toni Robertson & Lian Loke (2009). Designing Situations. OZCHI’09: 1-8.

Christine Satchell og Paul Dourish (2009). Beyond the user: use and non-use in HCI. OZCHI’2009: 9-16.

Albrecht Schmidt (1999). Implicit Human Computer Interaction Through Context. I Personal Technologies. DOI: 10.1007/BF01324126

Donald A. Scho?n (1983). The Reflective Practitioner. New York: Harper Collins.

Donald A. Scho?n og Glenn Wiggins (1992). Kinds of seeing and their function in designing. Design Studies, 13: 135-156.

Rebekka Soma, Vegard D?nnem S?yseth, Magnus S?yland (2018). Facilitating robots at home. A framework for understanding robot facilitation. ACHI 2018, IARIA: 1-6.

Anselm Strauss (1988). The Articulation of Project Work: An Organizational Process. I The Sociological Quarterly 29 (2): 163-178. HER

Dag Svan?s (2019) Phenomenology through Design: A Tale of a Human Tale. CHI'19 Extended abstracts. DOI:

David A. Wroblewski (1991). The Construction of Human-Computer Interfaces Considered as a Craft. I John Karat (red.) Taking Software Design Seriously, Academic Press, 1-19. HER



Publisert 12. des. 2022 11:11 - Sist endret 25. feb. 2025 18:20