Exam format fall 2020

Dear students of IN2020-h20,


We know you may have wondered what the exam this fall will be like.


For IN2020 we decided to have a quite similar format as in the 2 years before, just without the first part (multiple choice questions).

Reduced to two kinds of tasks (short-answer questions and a case) we also think a three (3) hours home exam is sufficient, as you may use help items such as the course book, yet you'll have to submit individual work!


You are not allowed to collaborate with others (neither participants in the exam, your group teachers or other "experts", nor family members, room-mates, friends etc.) Make sure you have a quite working environment and a stable internet connection, for example mute or turn off all your usual distractions/incoming communication. In case this working environment cannot be at your home, you may want to contact studieinfo@ifi.uio.no for to provide you with a suitable place on campus.

>Monday, 23.11.2020 15:00-18:00, it is.<

Providing you with the tasks and receiving your submission(s) happens in Inspera as usual with a digital exam (as if we were at Silurveien).

Unfortunately, we cannot offer a teachers' round for your questions in the exam, as has been usual one hour in into the exam when held at Silurveien.

- The faculty considers a Zoom-meeting with students, let in one-by-one, feasible, but we think this would take too long and distract you from working on the exam tasks while waiting in line. We want to rather make sure you understand the tasks right away, and else you can even reflect about your understanding or take of questions and phrases!

  • = ingen 'tr?sterunde' :(

You can be assured that due to the home exam format with "all help allowed", it is more important than ever to answer and write in your own words and else make proper citations, as we will have plagiarism control tools in place to check your texts for uniqueness.

- Your answers have to be a result of your individual, independent efforts.

- The submitted work will be checked by UiO's/Inspera's automated text- and plagiarism control, and by the sensors manually

- Communicating with others is not allowed for the duration of the exam. This includes distributing answer texts or drafts for answers through various channels. A breach of these rules will be treated as a fraud attempt.

What it means for exam preparation

Everyone who has followed the course thoroughly should be well prepared to answer the exam’s tasks without any help.

Important ‘things’ that are of help both in preparation and the exam, are:

- lecture recordings, pages, slides and your lecture notes,

- your seminar visits, slides, your seminar notes and documented students’ contributions (i.e. Miro-wall from the one online seminar group)

- pensum chapters in the course book (2nd edition, make sure you know what differs/lacks, if you only have the 1st edition), supplementary literature and your notes on these

- assignments, your assignment answers and the feedback you got on them from the group teacher(s)

- padlet wall with students’ questions and group teachers’ answers, and some documentation from repetition sessions


The above are the core course resources, you will not need more/other external references for to get an A in the exam.

Your time in the exam you should use wisely, it’s not enough time to check and look up many things first then. Nevertheless, if you come prepared and use your helping items for to get concrete formulations, citations, arguments and your language right, you are on track to master this!

Publisert 4. nov. 2020 15:31 - Sist endret 6. nov. 2020 20:48