

we had to adjust the seminars, meaning we switched group teachers 'last minute'. Group 1 (Vetle), 2 (Maria), and 4 (Nadia) are now big groups in terms of registered students. In group 4 (on Mondays) you will get to know (our online-seminar) Guro (for real) first, until Nadia takes over. In group 3 (Anna) there are spots free. As will be told in the introductory lecture, you should stick to the group, the study administration has assigned you to, at first. Later it might get more flexible.

In any case (should you be sick/ in a risk of virus infection or similar), there is Guro's extra group 5 for an online seminar each Friday! Zoom-links will be posted in the schedule ('timeplan') for to participate.

Looking forward to meeting you this and next week!

Ines, Vetle, Nadia, Maria, Anna, and Guro

Publisert 18. aug. 2020 12:33 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2020 12:33