
Do you want the software development teaching to be even better?


Participate in a research study and win an Elkj?p gift card!


A doctoral candidate from the University of Oslo would like to invite you to participate in an anonymous study about how students in computer and software engineering programs use the internet to learn software development. To participate, you must answer an anonymous questionnaire, and you may also be invited to participate in an interview. The study will be used to improve teaching for students studying software development related subjects at universities in Norway. Ten 500 kr Elkj?p gift cards will be given away in a lottery among those who participate.


Follow this link: https://engagelab.uio.no/myls/ to start the questionnaire. You need to answer the questionnaire in Google Chrome on your PC.


You will find more information about how to answer the questionnaire and data storage in this 3-minute video: https://youtu.be/VMLvVpsQbdo


Thanks a lot for your help!

Publisert 3. mars 2021 14:30 - Sist endret 3. mars 2021 14:30