Pensum/l?ringskrav (Curriculum)

Pensumboken er skrevet av foreleseren og heter "Designing Reliable Distributed Systems" og er utgitt av Springer i deres serie "Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science" serie. Boken er tilgjengelig p? linken over hvis man sitter p? universitetet, og det er per 4/1-2019 mange eksemplarer av boken til salgs p? Akademika.

Pensum til eksamen er denne pensumboken (unntatt noen deler som vil bli eksplisitt angitt), alle forelesninger (slides, etc.), alle ukeoppgaver, osv.  Husk at man kan ha med seg "alle trykte og skrevne hjelpemidler" til eksamen.

The course textbook is written by the lecturer and has the title "Desgning Reliable Distributed Systems." It is published by Springer in their Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science series. The book should be accessible from within the university's network. It is also for sale at the Akademika bookstore.

 Although obviously this course book (except for some chapters which go beyond the scope of IN-2100) is the core curriculum, in principle, all material, such as lectures, exercises, slides, solutions to exercises, define the curriculum of the course.   Please remember that we will have an "open-book" final exam; you may use any written or printed material during the exam.

Pensumboken er

Peter C. ?lveczky:  Designing Reliable Distributed Systems: A Formal Methods Approach Based on Executable Modeling in Maude. Springer 2018. Boken skal v?re tilgjengelig hvis man sitter p? UiO's nettverk. Boken er til salgs p? UiOs bokhandel "Akademika" (underetasjen).


Som hovedregel er boken, alle forelesninger med foiler, ukeoppgaver med l?sningsforslag og obligatoriske oppgaver pensum. Fra kompendiet utg?r fotnoter og de markerte "ikke-pensum" delene (avsnittene merket med "stjerne"). Kapitlene 7 (og  muligens 17, vi f?r se hvor langt vi kommer) er ikke pensum i IN-2100. Beviset for at terminering er uavgj?rbart (med Turingmaskiner og greier) og den elegante teorien rundt forenklingsordninger er dessverre ikke  pensum. Dvs i kapittel 4.1 utg?r alt unntatt stoffet til og med Theorem 4.1 (beviset er ikke pensum). Videre utg?r kapittel 4.4 t.o.m. side 78, og 4.4.3 (dvs 4.4.1 og 4.4.2 er pensum, men ikke resten av 4.4).

English: The book

Peter C. ?lveczky:  Designing Reliable Distributed Systems: A Formal Methods Approach Based on Executable Modeling in Maude. Springer 2018.

the main textbook for this course and  is available from  the above link if are using the University's network. It is also for sale  at the university bookstore "Akademika".

As a rule, this textbook, as well as all the lectures, supplementary material, exercises with their solutions, and mandatory assignments define the core curriculum of the course. However, the footnotes and those parts of the course book that are explicitly marked as non-core reading are not required reading. Chapters 7 (and possibly 17 ; we'll see how far we get) are not part of the curriculum of IN-2100. In addition, this year the proof of undecidability of termination and the very elegant theory of simplification orders is unfortunately not  part of the curriculum. More precisely, in Section 4.1, only the first paragraph and the statement of Theorem 4.1 is part of the curriculum; the rest of 4.1 is not. Likewise, in Section 4.4, only Section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 are part of the curriculum; i.e., 4.4.3 and the 4.4 until the end of page 78 are not.


St?ttelitteratur/Supplementary resources

Maude hjemmeside for manual, download, etc.

Maude home page, for downloading, documentation, etc.

Filen prelude.maude leses inn automatisk av Maude og inneholder blant annet definisjonen av de innebygde modulene. Nyttig!

The file prelude.maude is read automatically by Maude and includes the definition of the built-in modules.

Maude-manualen anbefales for ? l?re mer om Maude og dens kommandoer.

The Maude manual is obviously a crucial resource.

Publisert 4. jan. 2019 15:22 - Sist endret 4. jan. 2019 15:36