I have received many questions regarding how to use the group assignment case in the exam. Here are the main questions asked and the answers:
Q1: When we are using examples from our own project should we use the names of the systems that we were investigating or should we use generic names? Up until now I've personally only used "In our project ..." and not used any system names or even the name of the organization since I'm afraid that it could break anonymity of the exam.
Q2: How specific can/should we be when referring to our projects this semester in the exam? Will the exam have different reviewers, so that we can refer to details in our case without worrying about that identifying us?
A1&2: you are many in each group and it would be really difficult for us to identify the student, even if you write about your case. One of the sensor has not been part of evaluating the group work, so he/she does not kn...
I have received some questions via email about the exam - here are the Q&A:
Q1: Could you just confirm weather we should reference in our text and include a reference list? It says nothing about it in the exam.
A1: Yes, confirmed.
Q2: If we are going to use examples from our project, doesn't that compromise the anonymity?
A2: You are many in the group, it would be difficult to identify the exact person. In addition, one of the sensor has not been a sensor on the group assignment. To use the group case as a example is a suggestion not a requirement.
Q3: Do we have to use examples from either lectures, articles or the project, or could we also use our own, made up examples?
A3: You should prioritise the examples from the course material (lectures, pensum, seminar).
Q4: When you say that we don't have to define t...
Because of Pentecost Monday (June 1st and a holiday) the deadline for handing in the exam is Monday June 8th.
Dear students,
the updated schedule for this and next week is the following:
Week 19
05.05 Last lecture - this is a short session with information about the final home exam and for feedback on the course.
08.05 deadline for submitting the final group assignment
**there is NO presentation of the final report
Week 20
14/15.05 final seminar in preparation for the exam
Dear students,
In the coming weeks the updated schedule for the IN2150 course is the following:
Week 17
No lecture and no seminars
24.04: deadline for submitting the group assignment
Week 18
No lecture and no seminars
Written feedback on group assignment
Week 19
05.05 Last lecture
07.05 Last seminar (to be confirmed)
08.05 deadline for submitting the final group assignment and presentation of group work - details about the presentation will be sent later
Home Exam: May 29th-5th June
About the assignments/group work:
Assignment 2: this is due on April 24, and you will receive feedbacks (in the same way as for assignment 1).
Assignment 3: this is due on May 8th, and it requires an oral presentation per group via Zoom. All group participants have to participate in the presentation.
The final assignment (assignment 3) will have a Pass/Fail grading.
You have to pass the assignment in order to take the exam.
About the exam:
The exam will be a home written exam.
The exam will last one week. The expected extent of the work will be limited to 2 workdays, and all examination support materials are permitted
The grading scale will be Pass/Fail.
Dear students,
considering the situation and the difficulty of getting access to interviews the requirements for the assignment 2 and 3 have changed. I have uploaded a new assignment description. The changes are the following:
The deadline for assignment 2 is postponed to 24th of April. Assignment 2 and 3 are now combined in a 'new' assignment 2.
The 'new' assignment 2 does not require an additional interview (not obligatory).
The deadline for the final assignment has not changed: 08.05.
Dear students,
I hope you are well. This is an update on how we will organise the course from now on:
1. you will receive a written feedback on assignment1 in Devilry. The meetings on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th are cancelled.
2. The lecture on 24.03 will be recorded and published on the website (but no meeting in class) or conducted as digital lecture.
3. we know that you are expected to have another interview with your case organization, and we hope that this can be done via Skype/video/calls.
4. we are discussing how to best organise the seminar activities - and we will come back with information about it.
Today’s lecture is cancelled because of sickness.
I have uploaded an introduksjonsbrev to use when contacting the organisation for the project. It's available under the Prosjektoppgave description document.
From today lecture (2nd lecture), the lectures will be audio recorded.
some information about the course:
- most of the lectures will be in English, while seminars, group work, assignments and exam will be in Norwegian.
- the detailed course plan, the course literature (pensum), and assignments will be published on Friday Jan. 24th.