Hei alle,
Andrea og jeg samkj?rer eksamensgruppetimen, det gj?r at den blir digital og p? onsdag mellom kl 10-12!
Vel m?tt! :)
welcome to the last lecture of the course tomorrow.
The lecture will be in two parts: first a brief overview of the course learning goals and content, second an exercise based on the exam from last year.
Det blir ikke holdt gruppetime onsdag 27 og onsdag 4 mai, men g? gjerne i tirsdagsgruppetimen, den er digital og alle er velkomne :) Ta gjerne kontakt p? mail eller teams om dere har sp?rsm?l.
the lecture for tomorrow 21.04 is now published.
Note that this is a recorded lecture from 2020 from this course. The. article and the reading guidelines are also published.
This is a reminder that the lecture tomorrow is a recorded lecture. There is no lecture in the classroom, and no on line 'live' lecture.
The video will be posted tomorrow morning.
Presentasjonene p? torsdag vil foreg? hel-digitalt. Vi starter 10:15.
Zoom lenke:
Here is the registration form for group presentation;
Digital presentasjon 29.03 (12 possible registrations)
Fysisk presentasjon 30.03 (13 possible registrations)
there will be also Thursday 31.03 at 10.15-12 (link coming soon)
The lecture tomorrow is in presence and will be recorded, but not live-streamed in zoom.
Dear students,
last week lecture, lecture 5, is now published as a recorded video lecture (since I have been sick I have reused parts of the video from last year lecture). This is based on two articles, one by Hanseth and Lyytinen, and one by Hanseth and Aanestad. The lecture is about the bootstrapping problem and some key concepts related to bootstrapping and information infrastructures. Slides and reading guidelines are also published.
this week, Lecture 6, will be a 'live' in presence lecture at IFI. Ole Hanseth is the guest lecturer.
Dear students,
the lecture tomorrow will be at IFI in presence, and with coffee and boller!!
The lecture will be recorded, and I will also (try to) set up a zoom link for those of you who cannot be there.
Dear students,
lecture 3 is available as a recorded lecture by guest lecturer Eli Hustad from UiA (recorded on 15.02.21).
The aim of this lecture is to get familiar with the names, types and characteristics of systems that are currently in use in organizations. The lecturer presents some of the benefits and challenges of implementing systems such as ERP and CRM systems, and the tension between having systems that support specific functions (see slide 11) versus systems that are enterprise-wide and are integrated packaged solutions.
There is no 'live' lecture today.
The slides and reading guidelines are also published.
Dear students, here are the updates that I mentioned today in the lecture:
- The exam dates are now out: 30th May to June 8th – written individual home exam
- Next week: lecture and seminars are digital.
- the course has 2 seminars: Tuesday and Wednesday.
- You have access to the pensum via Leganto on the course page.
Groups for the project work:
–If you have sent a mail asking to be put in a group you will receive a mail about your group and a group number.
–If you are not in a group, and have not sent us a mail about this, do it now (do not wait until the last moment): send to Magnus
–so far we have 10 groups confirmed.
Kj?re studenter,
Det vil v?re to gruppetimer dette semesteret, en p? tirsdager fra 12:15-14 og en p? onsdager fra 10:15-12. Begge vil inntil videre bli holdt digitalt p? zoom, og lenken vil v?re tilgjengelig p? timeplanen. Dere kan g? i den gruppen som passer dere best. Endringer kan skje dersom vi ?pner opp for fysiske gruppetimer, men vi holder dere oppdatert og det vil, gjennom hele semsteret, v?re et digitalt alternativ. P? sikt anbefaler vi dere ? g? i samme gruppetime som prosjektgruppen deres.
Vi gleder oss til ? m?te dere neste uke, ta kontakt om det skulle v?re noen sp?rsm?l i mellomtiden.
Hilsen Stian og Andrea
Dear students, welcome to the first lecture of the course tomorrow at 12.15 in zoom. The zoom link is in the course plan.
The course will be digital.
Dear students,
welcome to IN2150!
The first lecture in IN2150 is on Thursday 27th. More information about the course (pensum, lecture plan, mandatory assignment) will be published at the start of next week.
Unfortunately the lecture will be 'live' in Zoom in January.