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PhD hvor RtD er bruk
Design Thinking for Design Capabilities in an Academic Library (https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/72835)
Gode design brief
Doing fieldwork in a pandemic (Lupton, 2020) (pdf)
Design Cards / Tools
New metaphors cards (www.newmetaphors.com)
Narata storytelling and brainstorming cards (ask the library)
Cards to design for Sustainabilty (https://sustainabledesigncards.dk)
IDEO AI / ethics cards (https://www.ideo.com/post/ai-ethics-collaborative-activities-for-designers)
Design with intent (http://designwithintent.co.uk/)
Plexcards (http://www.funkydesignspaces.com/plex/PLEX_Cards.pdf)
IDEO nature cards (https://www.ideo.com/post/nature-cards)
AT-ONE cards (link)
IDEO methods card (ask the library)