Exercise Module 6

The exercise for module 6 has now been posted in the schedule. The deadline for delivery is Tuesday 9th of November at 12:00.
The exercise for module 6 is a practical exercise. You will use the ultrasound scanner in the DSB-lab to do doppler measurements on yourself. Therefore, you need to book some time to use the lab. Those who were in the lectures did this today. If you were not present in the lecture you need to contact Yücel and H?vard to find a suitable time. Their contact info is above.

Preferably you should do this already in the next couple of days, the 28th and 29th. However, the timeslots for the group lectures next week are also possible. But you need to contact us to book some time.

Published Oct. 27, 2021 1:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2021 1:01 PM