Place for the exam

Slides for the repetition lecture is available here.


An email was sent to all of you with some final practical information about the exam, but I'll share some of the information here as well:

Here follows some final practical information about the exam in IN3015/4015 on Tuesday the 14th of December.

The exam will be held in seminarrom Caml with room number 3438 in Ole Johan Dahls Hus.

The schedule for the day is the same shared earlier:

Please be outside the room five minutes before your timeslot.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Good luck, and remember to have fun when studying for the exam!

Best regards

Ole Marius Hoel Rindal



Published Dec. 6, 2021 7:42 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2021 7:42 PM