
Published May 28, 2020 12:59 PM

There has been problems with the links on the front page of IN3020 and IN4020. You can access and download them here:

Front page for IN3020

Front page for IN4020

Published May 7, 2020 10:15 AM

Take a look at the exams and their solutions from previous years here, but be careful: The exam this year is a take-home exam and will be graded with pass/fail, in addition to the fact that the syllabus is somewhat different this year.

Published Apr. 21, 2020 8:18 PM

You can find the second mandatory assignment either under "Weekly exercises" or here.

The second mandatory assignment is due Friday 8th May 2020 (by midnight).

Published Apr. 16, 2020 1:27 PM

The exam in IN3020 spring 2020 will be a home exam with a duration of 7 days. The workload will correspond to 1-2 working days. The disclosure of the exam assignment is May 26th and submission is on June 3rd (see Examination: time and place for more info). The grading scale is pass/fail.

Published Apr. 13, 2020 12:21 PM

Due to the various changes and delays this year, we are extending the delivery date of the 2nd mandatory exam to Friday 8th May. It will be published approximately 2 weeks in advance as usual.

Published Mar. 30, 2020 4:38 PM

Unfortunately, the group session 31/01 is cancelled. We have a lot of time to cover the remaining course material, and we will catch up next time. 

I will still be available through email :-)


Published Mar. 24, 2020 12:33 AM

I will be hosting a group session tomorrow, Tuesday, at 12:15 to 14:00 (normal time for group lectures). 
We will start with serialization and locking, and go through some examples, along with some stuff from mandatory exercise 1. 

Just click the link below and you should have access :-)

Hope to see you there! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 680 282 9284 

NB! I urge everyone to enroll in our Piazza, for future Zoom announcements and discussion regarding the group lectures.


Published Mar. 22, 2020 8:01 PM

Lectures start form Monday 23. March on Zoom. Westill have the same regular lecture hours (14:15 Mondays, and 12:15 Wednesday).

Here is the invitation to the first Zoom lecture:

Topic: IN3020-4020 Lecture 10.1
Time: Mar 23, 2020 02:15 PM Oslo

Join Zoom meeting by clicking on the following, or copy-paste it into a browser:

If you already have Zoom, or if necessary otherwise, you can also use the Meeting ID: 802 535 4723

IMPORTANT NOTE: Prepare by downloading and installing Zoom. And do try it out before the lecture. Details also on Piazza:

"Zoom is set up and ready for use at UiO. Zoom clients for UiO managed computers are installed by default, clients for other OS can be downl...

Published Mar. 12, 2020 11:10 PM

The Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty (MatNat) has decided that there will be no lectures or group sessions this week, i.e. until Monday 23rd March. We will be starting net-based lectures and sessions then. 

To help you be prepared, I have published the presentations for both Monday and Wednesday coming week. Check the "Schedule" and what is uploaded regularly!

Web-based lectures and group sessions will be held using Zoom in their normal time frame. They are already scheduled, just that I have not shared them with you yet. You will receive the details of how to download and install Zoom, and how to join the Zoom lectures soon.

Stay safe and healthy!

Published Feb. 9, 2020 2:51 PM

You have two mandatory assignments. The first one is due Friday 6th March. It is now published here: First mandatory assignment.

NOTE THAT the mandatory assignment is UPDATED 25. feb. 2020!

The assignment can be delivered in Devilry. If you experience problems, please inform one of us directly or through Piazza. Alternatively, the assignment can be delivered to the assistants who will be correcting them, including your group teacher, with a copy to me, i.e. to:

Published Jan. 27, 2020 2:21 PM

There is now a Piazza for this course here