Summary of Exam Rules

Hello everyone,

We have discussed the exam rules in the beginning lecture yesterday. All the details are in the video, but the summary is below.

Exam is in person (Time: May 30 at 3:00 PM (4 hours), Place: Silurveien 2 Sal 3B).
You are not allowed to bring any materials with you to the exam. You will have access to the lecture slides (on the screen) as part of the exam inside Inspera; see the details in the first 10 minutes of the summary lecture video. As discussed there, I will publish the file you will have access to next week on the web page of the course. The exam will contain several questions (possibly with sub-questions) in spirit of the mandatory exercises—that is, you are tested on understanding of the material in the lectures and your ability to apply your understanding. A copy of the file with slides will be attached to each question. You will have a text window for your answer. Just text should be enough: you are not expected to draw any figures there, and if you need to use a special symbol or a Greek letter, you may replace it with something that is easy to type (e.g., you may write “Below, I use |><| for natural join and \pib for bag projection”). If there is something unclear about the exam, drop me an email. I am also available for answering questions about the course content till the last day before the exam inclusive (May 29).
Good luck,

Published May 13, 2022 9:45 AM - Last modified May 13, 2022 9:45 AM