Exam details

Hello IN3020/4020 students,

We are towards the end of the course, and I hope you have learned some interesting material over this time. It is now the time to think about the exam, which is in the beginning of June.

As you may remember, the exam procedure will be briefly the following:

- sit-in exam at the examination schools using Inspera,

- 4 hours for 10-15 questions, which sum up to 100 points,

- lecture slides are available to you in Inspera as one big pdf file, and no more materials are allowed to use,

- the exact thresholds for marks (i.e., what is enough for A, B, C, etc.) will be decided during marking; without any promises and only for your reference, last year thresholds were: A: 75; B: 63; C: 50; D: 37; E: 25; F: 0 (notice here that it was not needed to solve everything to get A).

The slides file is available here. As you can see, it has the table of contents on the first page, which can help you navigate to each individual topic by means of page numbers. Please, notice that page numbers are correct for the title slide of each slide set (those that are mentioned in the table of contents), but it may be wrong for other slides; however, the order of slide numbers is non-decreasing. I hope this is enough for a convenient access to the material. Please, familiarise yourself with this file (and let me know if you notice any mistakes).

As a preparation to the exam, the most useful may be to try the last year exam, as well as to repeat all the mandatory exercises, and weekly exercises with (*). For your convenience, we will discuss the last-year exam on Thursday next week (usual lecture time and place). I suggest everyone to try it in the conditions that are as close to the exam conditions as possible before this lecture. Please note that the exam was the same for IN3020 and IN4020 (but this does not mean that it will be such this year). It would be safe for you to use this-year slides file for this training.

Let me know if anything is unclear about the exam procedure.

I should be available for answering your questions about the material of the course all the time before 23:59, 4 June via our usual communication channels.



PS: for those who are interested, the slides of the talk by prof. Leonid Libkin yesterday are available here.

Published May 3, 2023 9:05 AM - Last modified May 3, 2023 9:05 AM