
Hello IN3020/4020-takers!


Welcome everyone who wants to know how database engines work inside. We will launch on Monday next week, 15 January, at 14:15 in OJD, Aud Smalltalk.

We will normally have two lectures, Monday and Tuesday, and one group session each week (the first week is an exception: no group sessions). Do not forget to sign up to group sessions!

Your main entry point for the course will be this page, as well as the Schedule sub-page, where we will publish the materials related to each particular lecture/group session (we will also use other communication tools, which I will introduce in the first lecture).

If you want to familiarise yourself with the course materials before we start, feel free to look at the 2023 version (in particular, the Schedule sub-page). This year will not be identical, but close to the last year. You may also have a look at the two books in the syllabus (see above), but keep in mind that we will not follow any of them line by line.

If you have any questions about the course, feel free to contact me using the email on Egor's Web page.


E. Kostylev and L. H. Karlsen (the lecturers)

Published Jan. 9, 2024 11:03 AM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2024 11:44 AM