Group 1 (Wednesday) cancellation?

Hello everyone,

First: please make sure that you read the message below about the second mandatory. 

Second: I sent the following email to the group of students registered for Group 1 (Wednesday) sessions. However, I have heard few complaints that not everyone received it. I do not understand why and how this can happen, but I copy this email below:

"Dear group 1 of IN3020/4020,

We nearly cancelled the Wednesday session when Roxana was not available, but now we have an opportunity to reconsider this decision. However, the demand for both groups is still low, and it does not make sense to do these sessions for just one or two students. We will keep Tuesday session anyway, because it is more popular, and you are always welcome to come there. On the other hand, I would like everyone who needs Wednesday sessions to send me a confirmation as a response to this email by Thursday next week. (Here, by ‘needs’ I mean would come maybe not every time, but regularly, and moreover strongly prefer Wednesday over Tuesday sessions). If we have less than 3 answers, we cancel this officially."


Published Mar. 5, 2025 12:34 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2025 12:35 PM