Exam notes

The exam is tomorrow, Friday.

I will come and go a round in the exam room, so that you can ask questions, should there be anything that you are in doubt about. Please remember, that my answer can be: you need to figure it out yourself.

Remember to read the questions carefully before you answer them. If you are asked to program a parallel version of a sequential algorithm, please remember that you should be faithful to the original algorithm, for example, in last year's exam, there was a question on how to parallelize bubble sort. Some did some parallel bubble sort and then used merge sort on the result. However, that means that the parallel algorithm, while solving the problem of sorting, was not faithful to the original algorithm - because it included a different sorting algorithm.


Good luck!


Published June 6, 2019 3:32 PM - Last modified June 6, 2019 3:32 PM