Information about exam and mandatory exercises

Dear students,

We have some important updated information to you about the exam and mandatory exercises in the course.

First, the exam information is now updated on the course website under “Examination: Time and place”. Please consult that page for the up-to-date information.

Second, due to the delays caused by the closing of the university, we cannot set aside as much time as we wanted for the third and final mandatory exercise, but still think it is important to give you practice with a wide range of the course topics – and have therefore chosen to give a shorter final mandatory exercise. The exercise will be focusing on unsupervised learning (the topic of the lecture on April 14), and will be published on April 14 with a submission deadline of April 30. When published, you will find it on the course website, under “assignments and deadlines”.

Hope you are all doing reasonably well despite the extraordinary circumstances – and good luck with the continued home studies!

-Jan Tore and Kai

Published Apr. 3, 2020 6:06 PM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2020 6:06 PM