Questions during the exam

We have received several questions through the official question portal:
We handle these questions similarly as when we go a supporting round in the exam room in Silurveien ("tr?sterunde"). We answer the questions individually. Similarly to the "tr?sterunde", we do not publish the questions and answers here.

If there are mistakes in the exam set, or clarification we think all students should see, we will publish them here. We might also publish answers to questions we receive repeatedly to avoid having to repeat ourselves.

So far we have not seen any mistakes or serious obscureness in the exam set. In particular, we do not think there is a mistake in exercise (7a). You may stop asking about that one. Of course, there might be mistakes in other questions we have not seen so far.

Many of the questions focus on (the lack of) assumptions in various questions. If you think necessary assumptions are missing, you might ask questions, but a general advice  is to  make your own assumptions and state them clearly.

Kai and Jan Tore

Published May 27, 2020 12:51 PM - Last modified May 27, 2020 12:51 PM