Teaching resumes in these forms

Dear IN3050/IN4050 students

This is an update on the situation for our course

We will resume teaching from Monday 23 March in digital form. We have chosen the following solutions. We have moved the program one week and will reduce the lectures towards the end of the semester, follow the schedule page.

1. Lectures
These will be recorded and uploaded to the course semester page before each Tuesday 10 am. We will use the weekly pages actively and distribute videos, slides, and other relevant material there.

2. Group sessions
There will be group sessions at the regular time slots, see
These will be given interactively, using the Zoom tool, see
If you have problems with the time slot for your group session, you may join another group.

You should download the Zoom tool to your machine before the group session, and familiarize yourself with it. The Zoom address of the group session will be posted on the schedule page ahead of the group session.

There are no new weekly exercises this week. The group sessions will be used for help with the mandatory assignment 2 and for repetition. There might be parts of the curriculum you would like to have repeated or explained in more detail. From the activity on Piazza the last week, we have seen a need for this. To aid the group teachers in preparing, we have made a poll where you may express your preferences for the group session program. Please fill in.

Zoom has options for one-on-one meetings with the group teachers where you may show them your screen and code. At the beginning of the group session, you may sign up for a one-on-one session with the group teacher.

3. Exam
The University has already decided that there will be no digital exams in Silurveien this semester. There will be some form of exam. It is important for us that you complete your planned studies this semester and that you get a proof showing that  you have learned what you should. The university is working on alternatives for the exam. We keep you updated as we know more.

4. Mandatory assignments
As you know, the deadline for mandatory assignment 2 has been postponed to April 1. The mandatory assignments have become even more important as a proof of competence when we do not know what the exam will look like.  Regarding mandatory assignment 3, because of the 1.5 week delay of mandatory assignment 2, we will not be able to run mandatory assignment 3 as planned with a deadline 24 April. Whether there will be more mandatory assignments depends partly on which form the exam will take.

5. Continue to use Piazza.

And please ask at our e-mail list for teachers if you have any questions.


Kai and Jan Tore

Published Mar. 22, 2020 9:25 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2020 9:25 PM