Trial exam solution versions

Keeping track of corrections tot he solution to the trail exam.

Original posted Thursday 21 May, around 1 pm


  • Thursday, 21 May, 4:50 pm, corrected decision boundary exercise 7,
  • Friday, 22 May, 10:15 am, corrected 2b.
  • Saturday, 23 May, 11:15 am, corrected:
    • Exercise 2 a, b, c
    • Exercise 3 d
    • Exercise 10 d
  • Sunday, 24 May, 1:25 pm, added more explanation to the solution of exercise 5.
  • Monday, 25 May, 12:25 pm, added even more explanation to the solution of exercise 5 and changed the numbers at point (d).
  • Tuesday, 26 May, 1:45 pm, minor corrections to the solution of exercise (2b).
  • In addition: In exercise 12b), the text says to place the red cluster at (8,4), but the solution places it at (8,3). The intended location was (8,3), so please use that during calculations to be consistent with the proposed solution.
Published May 21, 2020 5:00 PM - Last modified May 26, 2020 1:49 PM