Classification and Logistic Regression
Interactive session, Monday Feb 24
Weekly lecture:
Lecture videos:
- Linear Regression and Classification
- The Logistic Function and its Derivative
- The Logistic Regression Classifier
- Cross-Entropy Loss
- Training the Logistic Regression Classifier
- Variants of Gradient Descent
- Multi-class Classification: one vs. rest
- Multinomial Logistic Regression
Paolo Perrotta, Programming Machine Learning (in O'Reilly library)
- Chapter 5 "A discerning Machine"
- Chapter 7 "The Final Challenge
Marsland does not cover all the stuff we have considered this week, in particular not Logistic Regression, Multinomial Logistic Regression and loss functions. Perrotta's book, ch. 5 has a useful discussion of logistic regression and loss functions, while ch. 7 presents one-vs.-rest multi-class classification. Ch. 6 "Getting Real" presents the MNIST dataset to be used in ch. 7.
Observe, however, that Marsland, Sec. 4.6, "Deriving Back-Propagation", presents some of the same material as the lecture in the context of multi-layer neural networks (e.g., sec. 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 4.6.5, 4.6.6).
Weekly exercises
- Exercises
- Solution proposals