Front page of IN3060/IN4060 exam 2021 spring

Here is the front page of our exam on 11th of June. Please read it before the exam. If you have any questions, feel free to ask lecturer or student administration.


Front Page


Written home exam IN3060/IN4060


Duration: June 11, 9 am to 1 pm

It is important that you read this cover page carefully before you start.

General information:

? Important messages during the exam are given directly from the course teacher on the course's semester page. It is therefore important that you check the course's semester page regularly.

? Your answer should reflect your own independent work and should be a result of your own learning and work effort.

? All sources of information are allowed for written home exams. If you reproduce a text from books, online articles, etc., a reference to these sources must be provided to avoid suspicions of plagiarism. This also applies if a text is translated from other languages.

? You are responsible for ensuring that your exam answers are not available to others during the exam period, neither physically nor digitally.

? Remember that your exam answers must be anonymous; do not state either your name or that of fellow students.

? If you want to withdraw from the exam, press the hamburger menu at the top right of Inspera and select "Withdraw".

Collaboration during the exam:

It is not allowed to collaborate or communicate with others during the exam. Cooperation and communication will be considered as attempted cheating. A plagiarism control is performed on all submitted exams where text similarities between answers are checked. If you use notes that have been prepared in collaboration with others before the exam, this might be detected in a plagiarism control. Such text similarities will be considered an attempt at cheating.


Read about what is considered cheating on UiO's website.

Digital hand drawing / file upload:

You have been given 30 min. extra time for uploading files (e.g. digital hand drawings). Check out how to submit digital hand drawings

Contact information:

Technical issue: User support exam

  • If you have any questions about the exam, you can contact the lecturer via direct message (to Jieying Chen) on mattermost channel or via email:

  • During exam, please pay attention to the messages on the course page. 


External tools:

You are free to use external tools to help you solve the problems.  E.g. Protégé to try out your OWL axioms, a SPARQL processor to test your SPARQL queries, etc.  But please note

  • it is possible to solve all problems without the help of external tools
  • you will not get assistance from the teachers or tutor if you have difficulties with the tools you want to use


About the marking:

  • The exam consists of 5 sections with equal weight, i.e. 20% each.
  • In the multiple choice question (i.e. Question 24), there is at least one correct answer. You should find all correct answers. You will get a negative score (-1 point) for wrong answers, but never less than 0 for the whole question.


Good luck!




Published May 28, 2021 3:09 PM - Last modified May 28, 2021 3:09 PM