Mandatory Exercises 2

The second mandatory exercise is published with deadline 10th of November, 23:59. The exercise sheet can be found by clicking the exercises link in the left panel and downloading oblig2.pdf, or following the link above.

You should be able to start on O2.1 immediately.

O2.2 is only for the master level students. The exercise refers to a translation between Description Logic and First-order logic, that will be presented in the lecture on 5 November.  You probably want to wait until next week for that exercise.

Use devilry to submit your answer.  If you cannot see oblig2 in devilry, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can register your properly.

Publisert 26. okt. 2020 12:12 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2020 12:12