
Published Dec. 5, 2023 10:12 PM

You can download this year’s exam here

And the model solutions are here


Published Nov. 19, 2023 1:44 PM

I have not received any requests for what to talk about in the repetition lecture tomorrow.  If you do not tell me what you would like to have a repetition of, I will cancel the lecture.

Published Nov. 13, 2023 4:28 PM

The Repetition lecture has to be moved to Monday 20 November, 10:15–12:00 and will take place in Store Aud, the room next to our usual one.

It is not possible to repeat the whole content of the course within 90 minutes, so please let me know what topic you would like a repetition of.

You can send a mail to Martin, or preferably, use Discourse.

Published Oct. 4, 2023 11:19 AM

Mandatory 2 is now published here.

O2.1 has a question about first order resolution which will be explained next week.  You can simply start on the other questions and leave that one until next week.

Note that the deadline for Oblig 1 has been extended by 2 days until Friday evening.


Published Sep. 22, 2023 9:08 AM

Mandatory one is now published here.

Sorry for the delay!


Published Aug. 31, 2023 2:59 PM

Hi all,

in this course, we will use Astro Discourse as a means of communication.

Astro Discourse supports

  • anonymous posting
  • LaTeX code
  • Selecting the "correct" answer to a question
  • Searching in discussion forums

UiO made a short guide to using Astro Discourse.

Please join here!

Published Aug. 30, 2023 10:26 PM

Hei! For dere som ikke var p? gruppetimen p? mandag, s? blir timen 04.09 flyttet til denne fredagen (01.09) kl 12-14. Det betyr at det er ingen gruppetime neste uke. Beklager for sen beskjed :(

Published Aug. 15, 2023 11:33 AM

Dear students,

Welcome to IN3070/IN4070!  There will mostly be one lecture and one group session per week:

  • Lectures on Wednesdays, 12:15–14:00, in Lille aud, Kristen Nygaards hus
  • Group sessions on Mondays, 14:15-16:00, in Sed

We may occasionally use the Monday 10:15–12:00 lecture slot (Store Aud) if we need more time.

The first lecture is on Wednesday 23 August and the first group session on Monday 28 August.

Communication in the course will be with Astro Discourse, more information will come.