


Mandatory assignments
Name Publish date Deadline Resources Points IN3110 Points IN4110
Assignment 1 26.08.2022 02.09.2022 assignment 1 5 5
Assignment 2 02.09.2022 14.09.2022 assignment 2 15+2BP 15+2BP
Assignment 3 14.09.2022 30.09.2022 assignment 3 30+3BP 40+3BP
Peer review assignment 3 04.10.2022 11.10.2022 peer review instructions 10 10
Assignment 4 14.10.2022 04.11.2022 assignment 4 30+15BP 40+5BP
Peer review assignment 4 08.11.2022 15.11.2022 peer review instructions 10 10
Assignment 5 11.11.2022 02.12.2022 assignment5 30+16BP 40+16BP

In case of illness you can request a 3 calendar day (or 7 calendar days for exceptional cases) extension by submitting the form.

Grading system

  • All assignments are turned in by pushing to a directory (`assignment1`, `assignment2`, etc.) in your GitHub repo on the IN3110 GitHub organization (https://github.uio.no/IN3110). 
  • IN4110 will have some additional exercises over IN3110
  • IN3110: The total number of points will be 130 (plus potentially bonus points). The course is passed with a minimum of 104 points.
  • IN4110: The total number of points will be 160 (plus potentially bonus points). The course is passed with a minimum of 131 points.
  • Assignments 3 and 4 will be peer-reviewed. You have to submit the assignment in order to get points for peer-review.
  • Your points will be visible on devilry. Extensions not be reflected on devilry, and devilry is not involved in turning in your assignments.


Publisert 19. aug. 2022 14:22 - Sist endret 11. nov. 2022 16:17