Science fair
The IN4120 science fair will take place on November 12th, looking forward to it! Some practical information:
- Each group should spend no more than 10 minutes on presenting their topic. I'll be a time cop.
- Please mail me all your presentations by November 11th, i.e., the day before the science fair. I will then upload them to the course GitHub repository, so that everyone has access to them.
- When mailing me your presentations, please send me a PDF file named science-fair-n.pdf, where n is your group number.
- Realistically, given the 10-minute limit, when presenting your topic you will not be able to go through more than, say, 3 slides or so. Your PDF file above may be longer and contain more details/examples than what you have time to present, if you want.
- There are no less than 14 groups, and we only have a 10:15-12:00 slot set aside for this. I may therefore have to randomly select a subset of groups that get to present. This will be announced on Padlet later. Such a selection will be random, and not reflect on your presentation or chosen topic.
- Even if your group does not end up getting selected to present, you should submit your presentation as outlined above so that we can all enjoy it offline.
- For the presentations, I'll hand over control on Zoom so that you control what you present (slides, live demos, whatever) yourself.
Publisert 29. okt. 2020 13:41
- Sist endret 29. okt. 2020 13:45