TA in IN3130 fall 2022

Dear all,

The TA positions at IFI have now been announced. There are two positions for IN3130 which are spilt as a class-TA and correcter-TA; if the applicants are interested, I will however suggest that they are split so both TAs do half of each.


As a TA, you are not expected to understand the material, but not to know all details. We will support you in doing a good job. 

Next year, the course will again be taught by Petter and I. We have a plan to change the lecture material, but the content of the course will be more or less the same.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me.



Publisert 7. apr. 2022 14:26 - Sist endret 7. apr. 2022 14:26