IN3140/IN4140 Trajectory Planner Walkthrough

To motivate the reason for using ROS in the course, we have created a small path planning node that you will complete and test in simulation and, if you want, on the real robot (as the 5th assignment)!

We will start this task by creating a ROS package in your workspace, as you have learned in group sessions and explained here . The package depends on  rospy, actionlib, control_msgs, crustcrawler_pen_gazebo, and  trajectory_msgs.

The next step is to add the  node to the package. The skeleton of this node has been explained below, but it is incomplete. Task 5 in assignment 4 is to complete the generate_path function in this node. The goal of this function is to create a list of points ,(x, y, z), that together make up the points of a circle. There are many ways we could do that, but we are a bit limited by the input parameters. Since we are asked to output a fixed number of points and knowing that the robot arm can only move linearly between points, we will have to assume that linear interpolation between points is enough (we will see the effect of this decision later).  

The  generate_path function takes num, origin, and radius as inputs. num  is the number of points on the circle,  origin  is the origin of the circle we want to draw, and radius  is the circle's radius. By knowing these parameters, we can determine the position of the points and create a list of them as the output of this function.

To write this function, you can first declare a list to put the points into. Then you can calculate the distance between each two consecutive points. Then, by having the origin of the circle and its radius and considering an arbitrary point as the starting point for drawing the circle, you can iterate the number of points to find their positions. Finally, you can add the points to the declared path. You can assume that the circle will be drawn on a horizontal plane. Thus, the Z position of all points would be the same as the circle's origin position in this direction.


We will start by reviewing the skeleton code that you will fill in. The skeleton is given below, and you should add this to your package as

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This node is designed to take in a circle drawing description and perform
the necessary calculations and commands to draw the circle using the
Crustcrawler platform

from __future__ import print_function
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from control_msgs.msg import JointTolerance
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
import actionlib
import numpy as np
import rospy

def path_length(path):
    Calculate path length in centimeters

    :param path: List of points
    :returns: Length of path in centimeters
    length = 0.0
    for p1, p0 in zip(path[1:], path):
        length += np.linalg.norm(p1 - p0)
    return length

def inverse_kinematic(position):
    Calculate the inverse kinematic of the Crustcrawler

    :param position: Desired end-point position
    :returns: Three element vector of joint angles
    x, y, z = position
    l1 = 11.0
    l2 = 22.3
    l3 = 17.1
    l4 = 8.0
    l3_mark = np.sqrt(l4 ** 2 + l3 ** 2 + np.sqrt(2) / 2.0 * l4 * l3)
    #phi = np.arccos((l3 ** 2 + l3_mark ** 2 - l4 ** 2)
    #                / (2.0 * l4 * l3_mark))
    s = z - l1
    r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    d = ((x ** 2 + y ** 2 + s ** 2 - l2 ** 2 - l3_mark ** 2)
         / (2. * l2 * l3_mark))

    theta1 = np.arctan2(y, x)
    theta3 = np.arctan2(-np.sqrt(1. - d ** 2), d)
    theta2 = np.arctan2(s, r) - np.arctan2(l3_mark * np.sin(theta3),
                                           l2 + l3_mark * np.cos(theta3))
    return np.array([theta1, theta2 * -1. + np.pi / 2., theta3 * -1.])

def create_trajectory_point(position, seconds):
    Create a JointTrajectoryPoint

    :param position: Joint positions
    :param seconds: Time from start in seconds
    :returns: JointTrajectoryPoint
    point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(seconds)
    return point

def generate_path(origin, radius, num):
    Generate path in 3D space of where to draw circle

    :param origin: 3D point of circle origin
    :param radius: Radius of circle in centimeters
    :param num: Number of points in circle
    :returns: List of points to draw

def generate_movement(path):
    Generate Crustcrawler arm movement through a message

    :param path: List of points to draw
    :returns: FollowJointTrajectoryGoal describing the arm movement

def draw_circle(origin, radius, num):
    Draw circle using Crustcrawler

    :param origin: 3D point of circle origin
    :param radius: Radius of circle in centimeters
    :param num: Number of points in circle

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    import sys
    # Create command line parser and add options:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description="CrustCrawler circle drawer TM(C), patent pending!")
            '--origin', '-o', type=float, nargs=3,
            metavar=('x', 'y', 'z'), required=True,
            help="Origin of the board")
            '--radius', '-r', type=float, default=5.0,
            metavar='cm', help="The radius of the circle to draw")
            '--num_points', '-n', type=int,
            default=4, metavar='num',
            help="Number of points to use when drawing the circle")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Ensure points are NumPy arrays
    args.origin = np.array(args.origin)
    orient = np.array([0, 1., 0])
    # Ensure that arguments are within legal limits:
    if 3 >= args.num_points <= 101:
        sys.exit("Number of points must be in range [3, 101] was: {:d}"
    max_dist = np.linalg.norm(args.origin)
    if np.abs(max_dist - args.radius) < 20.0:
        sys.exit("Circle is to close to the robot or outside the workspace! Minimum: 20cm, was: {:.2f}"
                 .format(max_dist - args.radius))
    # Create ROS node
    rospy.init_node('circle_drawer', anonymous=True)
    # Call function to draw circle
        sys.exit(draw_circle(args.origin, args.radius, args.num_points))
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
        sys.exit("Program aborted during circle drawing")

The skeleton above represents a ROS node that we will invoke using rosrun passing in parameters to draw a circle.

Skeleton explained

Lets review the skeleton in more detail before we move on. If you understand how this code works you can quickly skip to the next part.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This node is designed to take in a circle drawing description and perform
the necessary calculations and commands to draw the circle using the
Crustcrawler platform

from __future__ import print_function
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from control_msgs.msg import JointTolerance
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
import actionlib
import numpy as np
import rospy

The first part of any ROS python node should start with the shebang declaring the file to be a python file. Next, we have a short description of the functionality of the node, this is not strictly necessary, but it is a good form to include.

The last part is the most important, and here we import the modules that are used later in the program. You should recognize a lot of the package dependencies here. In addition, we have a few Python imports, like importy numpy as np, which is a nice-to-have addition.

def path_length(path):
    Calculate path length in centimeters

    :param path: List of points
    :returns: Length of path in centimeters
    length = 0.0
    for p1, p0 in zip(path[1:], path):
        length += np.linalg.norm(p1 - p0)
    return length

The path_length function calculates the distance between all the points in a given path. This is a helper function that we will utilize later.

def inverse_kinematic(position):
    Calculate the inverse kinematic of the Crustcrawler

    :param position: Desired end-point position
    :returns: Three element vector of joint angles
    x, y, z = position
    l1 = 11.0
    l2 = 22.3
    l3 = 17.1
    l4 = 8.0
    l3_mark = np.sqrt(l4 ** 2 + l3 ** 2 + np.sqrt(2) / 2.0 * l4 * l3)
    #phi = np.arccos((l3 ** 2 + l3_mark ** 2 - l4 ** 2)
    #                / (2.0 * l4 * l3_mark))
    s = z - l1
    r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    d = ((x ** 2 + y ** 2 + s ** 2 - l2 ** 2 - l3_mark ** 2)
         / (2. * l2 * l3_mark))

    theta1 = np.arctan2(y, x)
    theta3 = np.arctan2(-np.sqrt(1. - d ** 2), d)
    theta2 = np.arctan2(s, r) - np.arctan2(l3_mark * np.sin(theta3),
                                           l2 + l3_mark * np.cos(theta3))
    return np.array([theta1, theta2 * -1. + np.pi / 2., theta3 * -1.])

You should be quite familiar with the inverse_kinematic function which we will use to calculate the joint positions to reach a given point.

def create_trajectory_point(position, seconds):
    Create a JointTrajectoryPoint

    :param position: Joint positions
    :param seconds: Time from start in seconds
    :returns: JointTrajectoryPoint
    point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(seconds)
    return point

The above function, create_trajectory_point, is a simple helper function. Since messages in ROS are classes in Python, which can be initialized with default values, it often makes sense to create the default and only override what you need. Which is what we have done above.

def generate_path(origin, radius, num):
    Generate path in 3D space of where to draw circle

    :param origin: 3D point of circle origin
    :param radius: Radius of circle in centimeters
    :param num: Number of points in circle
    :returns: List of points to draw

def generate_movement(path):
    Generate Crustcrawler arm movement through a message

    :param path: List of points to draw
    :returns: FollowJointTrajectoryGoal describing the arm movement

def draw_circle(origin, radius, num):
    Draw circle using Crustcrawler

    :param origin: 3D point of circle origin
    :param radius: Radius of circle in centimeters
    :param num: Number of points in circle

The next three methods are the ones we will implement in this assignment, and they will be explained in the next part.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    import sys
    # Create command line parser and add options:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description="CrustCrawler circle drawer TM(C), patent pending!")
            '--origin', '-o', type=float, nargs=3,
            metavar=('x', 'y', 'z'), required=True,
            help="Origin of the board")
            '--radius', '-r', type=float, default=5.0,
            metavar='cm', help="The radius of the circle to draw")
            '--num_points', '-n', type=int,
            default=4, metavar='num',
            help="Number of points to use when drawing the circle")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Ensure points are NumPy arrays
    args.origin = np.array(args.origin)
    orient = np.array([0, 1., 0])
    # Ensure that arguments are within legal limits:
    if 3 >= args.num_points <= 101:
        sys.exit("Number of points must be in range [3, 101] was: {:d}"
    max_dist = np.linalg.norm(args.origin)
    if np.abs(max_dist - args.radius) < 20.0:
        sys.exit(""Circle is to close to the robot or outside the workspace! Minimum: 20cm, was: {:.2f}"
                 .format(max_dist - args.radius))
    # Create ROS node
    rospy.init_node('circle_drawer', anonymous=True)
    # Call function to draw circle
        sys.exit(draw_circle(args.origin, args.radius, args.num_points))
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
        sys.exit("Program aborted during circle drawing")

The last part of the skeleton code is the main function of our Python program. This is the function that will be called when our ROS node is run. You don't need to understand all the nuances of this function, it basically parses command-line parameters, validates them, and calls the method to draw the path. (More info on Python command-line parsing is here, and ROS parameter handling is here).

Generating a path

def generate_path(origin, radius, num):
    Generate path in 3D space of where to draw circle

    :param origin: 3D point of circle origin
    :param radius: Radius of circle in centimeters
    :param num: Number of points in circle
    :returns: List of points to draw

This is the function that we will not give out. It is Task 5 of your assignment. 

Generating arm movement

Now that we are able to generate a path we need to translate that path into something that the Crustcrawler can perform. The following should be filled into the method generate_movement. As before, we will start by declaring our return value and then fill that in.

# Generate our goal message
movement = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()

The way to interact with the Crustcrawler is to use the FollowJointTrajectoryAction later we will see how to use this interface, but for now it is enough to know that the input to that is a FollowJointTrajectoryGoal.

Next, we will fill in a bit of fluff that is only really needed for bookkeeping. The following describes the trajectory tolerances and which part of the vector belongs to which joint. For ease of use, we will enumerate the joints from bottom to top.

# Names describes which joint is actuated by which element in the coming
# matrices
movement.trajectory.joint_names.extend(['joint_1', 'joint_2', 'joint_3'])
# Goal tolerance describes how much we allow the movement to deviate
# from true value at the end
    JointTolerance('joint_1', 0.1, 0., 0.),
    JointTolerance('joint_2', 0.1, 0., 0.),
    JointTolerance('joint_3', 0.1, 0., 0.)])
# Goal time is how many seconds we allow the movement to take beyond
# what we define in the trajectory
movement.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(0.5)  # seconds

With that out of the way, it is time to start generating movement! We will start by setting the position of the arm to a stable starting point giving it plenty of time to get there.

time = 4.0  # Cumulative time since start in seconds
    create_trajectory_point([0., 0., np.pi / 2.], time))

In the above, we use our helper function create_trajectory_point to generate the correct class and fill it in with the correct position. time is the cumulative time since the start of the movement that the robot is allowed to use for the movement. Since this is the first movement, it is easy to see that we give the arm 4.0 seconds to move to the desired initial position. To get a feel for how the value behaves, try changing it to less and more time and see what happens!

Next, we will start by moving the arm to the initial point of the circle. We will also treat this point as special to avoid quick movement from the initial resting position.

# Add initial point, also as a large time fraction to avoid jerking
time += 4.0
    create_trajectory_point(inverse_kinematic(path[0]), time))

As you can see, we are now using the first point of the path to calculate joint positions. Also, notice that we accumulate time, this allows the path planning algorithms in ROS to decide how to move the joints between trajectory positions.

Before we start adding the rest of the positions, we need to decide how much time we will allow the robot between each point. To do this, we calculate the length of the circle (from the path we generated) and set a fixed speed that we would like the arm to move with.

# Calculate total circle length
length = path_length(path)
# Calculate how much time we have to process each point of the circle
time_delta = (length / 2.) / len(path)

The 2. ensures that the arm moves between two points on the circle by about 2.0 cm/s. The next is to use this time_delta and add the rest of the points in the path.

for point in path[1:]:
    time += time_delta
	create_trajectory_point(inverse_kinematic(point), time))

Finally, we will add the back to the resting position and return the message.

# Once drawing is done we add the default position
time += 4.0
    create_trajectory_point([0., 0., np.pi / 2.], time))
return movement

Drawing the circle

The last part of this task is simply gluing the above parts together into a coherent whole.

def draw_circle(origin, radius, num):
    Draw circle using Crustcrawler

    :param origin: 3D point of circle origin
    :param radius: Radius of circle in centimeters
    :param num: Number of points in circle
    # First start by creating action client, this is responsible for passing
    # our parameters and monitoring the Crustcrawler during operations
    client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
    # Generate circle path
    path = generate_path(origin, radius, num)
    # Generate arm movement path
    goal = generate_movement(path)
    # Wait for arm to respond to action client
    # Send goal
    # Wait for arm to perform our movement
    # Finally print status of arm, did it work or not?
    result = client.get_result()
    if not result.error_code:
        print("Crustcrawler done!")
        print("Crustcrawler failed due to: '{!s}'({!s})"
              .format(result.error_string, result.error_code))
    return result.error_code

Here we use actionlib to call and manage the arm movement combining the above methods to create and draw a circle.


To test the above code, we first need to start Gazebo with the Crustcrawler inside. Make sure you have crustcrawler_pen in your workspace and simply run

$ roslaunch crustcrawler_pen_gazebo controller.launch control:=trajectory

You should first give execute permission to the node. For this aim, go to the node directory and run the following code in the terminal.

$ chmod +x

To test our code, we can run our node through rosrun as such

$ rosrun trajectory_assignment

Be sure to test different command line arguments to the above command. Now is probably a good time to test different amounts of points in our circle. With the default 4 points, can we really call it a circle? What happens if you double the amount? Or quadruple =O...

Publisert 25. apr. 2023 15:01 - Sist endret 19. mai 2023 12:02